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Fuel Prices


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Two points to make...


1) Turban is a place in Libya. Maybe Pick meant this...?


2) from a speech on 22nd Feb this year by Colonel Qaddafi...


"Libya wants chaos, beards and turbans."


Take yer pick (do you see what I did there? :wink: )


Don't always look for the bad... :)

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Two points to make...


1) Turban is a place in Libya........


Libya wants chaos, beards and turbans


Forgive my ignorance but for the life of me I can't find it on any map, maybe you could help?


the arab headdress is commonly known as a "Keffiyeh"




I know using wiki is pretty lazy but if it fits


the term tuban is is one used by westerners who are wholly ignorant of this fact. your quotation is i would suspect taken from a newspaper and as such subject to translation errors. although gaddaffi speaks pretty good english he tends not to, even when dealing directly with western leaders like tony blair he uses a translator.

One theory for this is that after the talking is done he can change his mind and blame any inconsistency on poor translation.


But hey this is totally of topic so lets get back to

Highland fuels aren't they a bunch of c*** s****ers

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"turban" seems a catch-all word for all the head-dresses worn in this fashion, throughout the middle east, Asia and Africa, not just India. The only Indians who wear turbans are Sikhs, as far as I know, (might well be wrong) and they are, in fact, called "pagri".


As you brought Wiki into it...



Keffiyeh? Try telling the Tuareg, for one, that they wear scarves!



I got your back, 'Pick! :wink:


"Forgive my ignorance but for the life of me I can't find it on any map, maybe you could help?"


I'd be delighted!...



But as you say to get right back to the topic of the fuel suppliers, you're damn right, and then some!!! :x

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This is NOT a keffiyeh. It IS a turban...

(The rub is, I'm defending him, but knowing 'Pick, he really WAS on the wind-up! :D )

Yip 'scoots', but I hope it's seen as good clean fun, but let's get down and dirty now...

WHO IS Dick Balaclava :?:

The call must go out - send for Sherlock and his pipe...Smokin :!:

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This is NOT a keffiyeh. It IS a turban...

(The rub is, I'm defending him, but knowing 'Pick, he really WAS on the wind-up! :D )

I hope it's seen as good clean fun, but let's get down and dirty now...

WHO IS Dick Balaclava :?:

The call must go out - 'send for Sherlock and his pipe' ...Smokin :!:

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let's get down and dirty now...

WHO IS Dick Balaclava :?:

The call must go out - send for Sherlock and his pipe...Smokin :!:


Never fear, I am here, my friend! Wait! What's this? A cunning, heartless and nefarious Shetlan' villain, of keen intelligence and Machiavellian psyche?! Good God, sir!


Watson, fetch my cape and cap. Hurry, man! There's not a moment to lose... the game is afoot!


Oh. Wait, Watson, no need to rush. It is merely some modern day padmen, apparently holding the islands to ransom... sigh! :?


You can never find a nemesis when you want one... :(


Your humble servant.

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Cheaper fuel on its way!


THE HIGHER than average petrol and diesel prices in the northern isles are set to be reduced by five pence per litre after the European Union approved a UK bid for a fuel duty derogation.


And I am now looking for another star to risein the east

No dont se it but there was a flying pig.



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