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Should drugs be legalised?

Should drugs be legalised?  

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Germany to Follow Switzerland's Lead


May 28, 2009 03:06 PM EST | AP


BERLIN — German lawmakers have voted to allow the prescription of synthetic heroin to long-term addicts who fail to respond to other treatments.


The lower house of parliament approved the measure Thursday.


It would apply only to people aged at least 23 who have been addicted for at least five years and undergone two previous, unsuccessful rehabilitation programs.


A cross-party group of supporters says pilot programs in seven German cities found that controlled prescription of synthetic heroin, or diamorphine, at approved facilities helped addicts who failed to respond to treatment with methadone.


Neighboring Switzerland has long had similar programs. They have been credited with reducing drug-related crime and improving addicts' health.

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Just because sky-diving is dangerous and you or i possibly might not do it because of the dangers posed.


Skydiving is actually extremely safe and fun and it beats any drug hands down :D


Your enjoying the Adrenalin there (obviously coupled with the visuals), and because you deem that drug acceptable, shouldn't i be able to purchase that and enjoy it without the expenses of paying for the hire of the plane and tuition. That good old "adrenalin rush".

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One of the arguments I've read on here time and time again is if heroin was legal the potecy of it would be regulated and this would make it safe, if this is the case maybe some of the proponents of this argument would care to explain why folk die of methedone, after all this is a prescribed drug of known toxicity yet they still manage to OD.


And maybe the drugs project would care to explain why 90% of addicts are still on meth after 5 years and are no less likely to offend (ie break in to your home and rob you) than a heroin addict not on meth.


answers on a postcard please (or here if you can)

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One of the arguments I've read on here time and time again is if heroin was legal the potecy of it would be regulated and this would make it safe, if this is the case maybe some of the proponents of this argument would care to explain why folk die of methedone, after all this is a prescribed drug of known toxicity yet they still manage to OD.


Do you ever bother to read the links that people post on here showing positive results from Switzerland and suchlike?


Proven statistics and not hearsay.

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tou could give one a break, give them a suprvised home to live in, be their mentor...or


I have done this 3 times in the past




1 is now dead


1 is still alive. But for how much longer?


1 I am glad to say is clean and leading a productive life trying to help other addicts, and funnily he agrees with everything I have said on this topic.


The fact that some of you don't want to accept is there is no safe way to use heroin


when it is given as pain control it is to terminal patients for the reason that you can not avoid addiction when using it, but that hardly matters when you are on the way out anyway.

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The fact that some of you don't want to accept is there is no safe way to use heroin

Who has said there is? Nobody. You're arguing against a point that nobody is making.


But it can be safer. Not safe.

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any effect on death rate by it being safer will be counteracted by the increase in the number of users, more dead is surely something none of you want.

You will never reduce the use of heroin by making it easier to get a hold of.


Time and again I have listened to friends and others tell me that they had control over their use of heroin, "it won't get the better of me" syndrome is common place in Shetland and elsewhere.

But as time has passed there spiral into addiction has become faster and faster, first the job goes then when there is no money coming in they start to steal from friends and family, sooner or later said f&f wise up and that source of income dries up too, then the local community suffers with shopliffting and housebreaking being the preffered method of income.

this happens whether the drug is legal or illegal just ask an alchaholics family.

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Who said anything about making it easier to get hold of? At the moment, pretty much anyone who wants some will be able to get it. What prohibition does is drive the price up, not really reduce supply.


By properly controlling these substances we might stand half a chance of saying, 'Nope; you're too young to buy this.' Rather than the free-for-all we have right now.


The current situation is that it is easy to get hold of and dangerous. I'm saying that we should make it harder to get hold of and safer .

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so what age limit do you set 18 21 or higher, how many kids manage to get their hands on drink before the prescribed age.


making it cheaper only allows the addict to buy more and therefor use more as their tollerance increases, sooner rather than later their tollerance will outstrip their abillity to pay no matter how cheap it is.

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Most people who smoke become addicted and it's very tough to give up. But still, despite this, most people don't smoke. Simply being available doesn't make people start.


this happens whether the drug is legal or illegal just ask an alchaholics family.

And yet there are many people who drink responsilby and cause no trouble at all. Fancy that.


You are arguing as though the current status-quo is somehow acceptable and working just fine. It clearly isn't.

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If you are involved in the field of drug and alcohol addiction you can have a much more objective view than someone who 'has known someone who.....' Everyone addict is different and should be offered treatment according to their individual need. As for legalising drugs - some should, some shouldn't. But the ones that are legal are more deadly than the ones that aren't. Meth only kills people who use on top or who have very low tolerance levels. Folk on this subject are obviously reacting to personal situations which is understandable, but not helpful in the 'big picture'

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I completely agree - I too have visited many gravesides, however I don't quite share your view of tackling fears will help people to understand. i think there are many people who are too frightened to listen and will always have the opinions they have - based on something they read or someone they knew and I don't think they'll change. they think all drugs are bad and therefore all folk who take them are doomed!!

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SP you are a sanctimonios squeeky clean poop tube a couple of negative things is does not begin to describe the feelings that come over you when one or more of your friends die far too young, a couple of negative things does not come anywhere near describing how it feels to watch more friends go down the same path, all because some younker like you said it was not there fault that they were taking that crap, it is societies fault they are darlingerd up. NO IT'S THEIR FAULT AND THEIRS ALONE. if they didn't listen to tossers like you they might of stood a chance but it is still their fault for listening.

As for you the best thing the drugs project can do is silence idiots like you.


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