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Should drugs be legalised?

Should drugs be legalised?  

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  1. 1. Should drugs be legalised?

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Some politicians are not afraid to tell it as it is , but apparently not the lib dems .

I think the candidates for shetland should say where they stand on our drugs problems in shetland .

Especially the fact of the number of chronic heroin addicts and the failure of our local police force equipped with sniffer dogs to have any effect on this epidemic .

A political hot potato that I would like them to make some comment on .

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The legal high doing the rounds now is more of a worry than the illegal heroin M Cat ( aka mephadrone ) which is rife in Shetland right now is legal ( at the moment ) but killing teens all over the place. Legal dosnt mean safe. As the mother of an experimental 15 year old who thinks hes a grown up it scares the bejesus oot of me

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Guest Anonymous
Someone told me there are over 600 registered heroin addicts in the isles? this cant be true surely? That would be 1 in every 38 people :shock:

wouldnt be at all surprised. Totally revolted to hear theres one just along the road here , but then again the local scrotes have been befriending dealers for long enough (and there are born n bred scrotes too)

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I think the statement " teenagers dying all over the place" due to this mephadrone is perhaps an inaccurate statement .

Yes tragically young and older people are dying every day through the abuse of all substances which are available , heroin , cocaine , tobbaco , alcohol, methadone , paracetemol etc, etc.

Whether it is illegal or legally available , the end result is the same a steady deterioration in health or death by overdose or related accident .

The bottom line is as a country much of our tax pounds and quite a bit of this huge sums of money we as a country are said to be borrowing, is being spent on a campaign of blanket criminalisation of all people who are willing to take illicit substances.

The only winners are the organised criminal gangs at the top of the drug distribution network and lawyers and perhaps cops on overtime .

But back to the mephadrone , the labour party have jumped to ban it because they think its a vote winner , criminal drug gangs will be rubbing there hands at yet another substance given to them to sell and profit from.


And left out by most of the media was the full toxology reports on several of these supposed mephadrone victims , several had taken a variety of substances

In fact the biggest killer combination in this country is

A.)alcohol - which is legally onsale almost everywhere

B.) methadone which is supplied free via prescription by pharmacists and healthcentres nationwide on prescription .


Alcohol & methadone consumed together has been responsible for a significant number of the drug deaths in shetland


Prohibition and crimininalisation are clearly not working & the more sniffer dogs we have the more heroin addicts we seem to have to .


A change of tactics is needed to manage this problem .

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Guest Anonymous

^^ a change of popular public opinion too , quite unachievable i fear, short of condoning beating the "little darlings" wi a big stick its on an escalator due to the total absense of respect or fear in the first place without the same attitude being fuelled by a craving for drugs. May i add smokers n alcoholics dont leave the same trail of house breaking and robbed pensioners , muggings etc as these illegal substance users

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From any questions and any answers - radio 4 - the link in my 3rd from last post :-

UPDATE: I think I might have misrepresented Susan Kramer's views slightly here. I meant she did not agree with Farage's suggestion that decriminalisation is a viable option. She did however agree that a Royal Commission should be set up.


Also, I forgot to mention that I was very heartened to hear on Any Answers later that Jonathan Dimbleby made it clear that a large majority of respondents agreed with Farage's suggestion.


You may be onto something there fleabee , alcoholics & smokers (legally available) not leaving a trail of crime - well most of them anyway.......

Perhaps with a new approach and the supply of these illegal substances taken away from criminals and regulated in a controlled environment as opposed to a criminally uncontrolled one . Maybe muggings , house breakings can be reduced at the same time as saving a shedload of money on law enforcement .

And I still think this is an extremely important issue to be addressed by our MP Candidates.

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B.) methadone which is supplied free via prescription by pharmacists and healthcentres nationwide on prescription .


Mephedrone...( you are talking about Methadone? )...its a plant fertalizer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG2JuAmLDLc&feature=related as far as Im aware doctors arent giving scrips for humans for plant food , its not fit for human consumption. It has never undergone medical trials and has never been available to humans before in any form until now , its chemical structure is close to that of crystal meth and is cardio toxic and highly addictive.

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Yes I am aware of the difference . And some of these mephadrone deaths had also been consuming alcohol and methadone at the same time .

But the fact remains far greater numbers of people have died through methadone and alcohol than mephadrone .

I am not saying that makes it all right , its just a fact that the media and government choose to remain quiet about .

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^ thats because its not been around long enough to have any real statistics on so all we can do is compare it via its chemical structure to similar drugs ..and crystal meth? enough said.... Fact of the matter is its dangerous , really dangerous and legalising anything thats dangerous is a bizzare notion in my eyes just to stop it falling into the hands of criminals..so by that logic we should legalise guns too?

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The entire reason mephedrone and other designer drugs such as 'spice' exist, is to mimic the effects of other, previously banned substances. Prohibition itself is responsible for fostering an environment where the invention of new, unregulated psychoactive substances is worthwhile and profitable. The 'war on drugs' appears to be largely responsible for the existence of mephedrone. Well, that's a good solid victory then.


As Professor Nutt says, "people are better off taking ecstasy or amphetamines than those [drugs] we know nothing about".


Is it really sensible to be pursuing a drugs policy that actively promotes the invention of new ones... :?

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There has been yet another drug advisor quit over this mephadrone dabacle. The decision to ban it was a political one not a medical/ scientific one. I know many people who have been using it safely for about the past year with no ill effects. Those deaths everyone has been hearing about were caused mostly by idiots mixing things like methadone and alcohol (a Known fatal mixture) and because they had also taken mephadrone it somehow became the cause. The real reason it's being demonised is quite simply... It was a slow news day.

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