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Should drugs be legalised?

Should drugs be legalised?  

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  1. 1. Should drugs be legalised?

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Guest Anonymous

with 25million+ folks using alchohol regularly is it any wonder it is ranked so high in its damage to society. just imagine how foot-sucked up society would be if we had 25million+ heroin users. and before we get on this merrygoround again, having purer legalised smack won't make it safer just look at how many folks have died up here from legaly prescribed drugs, more than have died from illegaly procured smack.

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with 25million+ folks using alchohol regularly is it any wonder it is ranked so high in its damage to society. just imagine how foot-sucked up society would be if we had 25million+ heroin users...

Simply making something legal doesn't mean everybody is going to rush out and do it. Gay sex and bungee-jumping are legal, but only a small minority of the population have tried them.

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Weel it seems that drink the worst offender when it comes to damaging humans. A legal drug that wrecks the lives of many a battered woman, destroys families, leads to suicides, murder, manslaughter and the so on. You only have to read the summing up reports of judges to see.

Funny, heroin and cocaine are a THIRD less damaging.


It is only their legality that folk scorn me thinks, and that is their reason to be disgusted by it. Meanwhile the legal intoxicant costs us all a huge amount in taxes and NI contributions.


Yet folk here want to string up a heroin addict but help an alcoholic.

There will be some who will comment just on their own opinions and try to insist that they are the right opinions and in a vain attempt to justify their misconceptions will resort to insulting posters with words of ridicule.



Time to increase the tax on this substance to curb its abuse.


So, perhaps heroin should be legalised and alcohol condemned to the gutter. As we all know, it damages society more than folk would want to admit to.


It must be ok, it is legal..

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More deaths and misery through Drink. Far more alcoholics I would guess due to the legality.


Don't see A&E full with opiate heads on a Saturday night.


Just binge drinkers.


Funny, If I were to take heroin with my mates everynight and enjoy it I am a junkie.

But a skin full everynight I am sociable, worrying thoughts, you need to be an addict to be sociable,


tho you could only take opiate once and be called a junkie.



But generally only by the uneducated...

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....and thats just going to be the cases where its so obvious it can't be denied. The law and the benefit of the doubt is so heavily stacked in medical "professional's" favour, that literally if there is any other contributory factor, however slight, which "could" have had an influence on the outcome, their decisions and actions will escape blame.

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Guest Anonymous

get pissed every night and your an alchy simple as that peat and take smack with your mates every night and you are a junky also simple.

keep harping on about how safe smack is compared to alchahol and you are simple.


Don't see A&E full with opiate heads on a Saturday night.


no just take them straight to the morgue

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