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Broadband speed


Problems with Broadband in Gulberwick  

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  1. 1. Problems with Broadband in Gulberwick

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You people need to move ISP's. I've had nothing but brilliant service from Plusnet. No problems with streaming video, downloading files and constant speeds.

I agree 100%, moved to plusnet from pipex/tiscalli and not had any problems. Excellent service form these guys.

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Guest CyprusPluto

are you sure you have not gone over your download limit and this is them bottle necking you because of that?


The maximum speed on my line is only 256Kb. At times it's been as low as 8Kb - just unusable then. It averages about half the maximum, so little more than twice the speed of dial up. My contract is unlimited download - I know I should change it.

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Can you check the above and advise, i'm pretty stupid as far as this kinda stuff is concerned.


Internet was working perfect at teatime, now its taking a bloody age to connect and to log into diferent websites:(



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Guest CyprusPluto


Can you check the above and advise, i'm pretty stupid as far as this kinda stuff is concerned.


Internet was working perfect at teatime, now its taking a bloody age to connect and to log into diferent websites:(




Internet connection speeds can vary considerably during the day based on usage etc and I've noticed that it's particularly vulnerable in Shetland.


The following link will tell you what maximum speed you can get from your exchange based on your phone number




The next link will tell you what speed you are actually getting at any given time and as stated earlier this can vary.



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  • 3 weeks later...

BT BLOG...Part 1)


yes we had problems today,but we a have slow speeds all the time.


We recently changed backed to BT to try and get a better service,my son had a separate line installed here last year and was getting up to 6MB lowest was 4MB but generally 5MB...so that persuaded us to move as we were only getting 1.7 ish


My neighbor gets 5.8MB.


Line in on 24th Aug...wait ten days...no difference,engineer comes out...tests line. It is capable of 5.5MB...but we are still getting much much less than 2...and it fluctuates badly and regularly goes off completely.


So Bt will send an engineer out again on Monday.


We are using BT`s speed checker (and others) on discovering our IP profile is set at 2.0MB ,we read round forums and discover your IP profile can get "stuck"...methinks this is what has happened here

see http://www.kitz.co.uk/adsl/IPprofile.htm for a lot of information...

NOW...let us see how BT reacts tomorrow when I try to tackle this issue with them,as according to a lot of forums,getting someone to understand this is a job and a half...watch this space

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Does anyone have problems using Skype in Lerwick? Can a slow connection speed cause delays in hearing and speaking to one another, I've tried using my I-phone headphones but still encounter problems with delays!




never had problems with skype mobile on 3g or wifi, but not tried it on anything other than O2. not sure how iphones work, but would normally check that all unnessery apps are closed, on phone or computer.

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BT BLOG part 2)

After a run around on BT`s system...including Openreach dept not able to put me through to BT wholesale.


i firmly told a phone operator that my IP profile was stuck and needed increasing...he knew nothing about it...and gave me the usual waffle of "its how far away from the exchange you are"...i replied my son had recieved 5MB in this house and my neighbour gets 5.8MB...


"ahh but they will be on a different exchange" he said.


NO it is the same exchange and I want my IP Profile increased...he would speak to a colleague....when he returns,he sheepishly tells me that his colleague will change my IP profile within 2 hours...we will see


Other forums have underlined that you have to tell them what the problem is...and how to fix it...however if they fix it,it still might have a tendency to return to the default of 2.0MB

I would suggest other people check what their line can achieve AND your IP Profile

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BT BLOG part 3)

I won`t bore you with the details of all the phone calls i made to get this sorted out (i had to buy a text book to log everything in...that should give you a clue)


But today someone at BT increased our profile from 2mb to 6.5mb...a huge difference.

If you are having speed problems check your speed and profile on http://speedtester.bt.com/


its a headache to get changed,but worth it in the end

BUT not holding my breath as it can revert...watch this space

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Pigeon flies past broadband in data speed race


Broadband is the most modern of communication means, while carrier pigeons date back to Roman times.


But on Thursday, a race between the two highlighted the low speeds of rural broadband in the UK; the pigeon won.


Ten USB key-laden pigeons were released from a Yorkshire farm at the same time a five-minute video upload was begun.


An hour and a quarter later, the pigeons had reached their destination in Skegness 120km away, while only 24% of a 300MB file had uploaded.


Campaigners say the stunt was being carried out to illustrate that broadband in some parts of the UK is still "not fit for purpose".


It is not the first time that such a race has taken place. Last year a similar experiment in Durban, South Africa saw Winston the pigeon take two hours to finish a 96km journey. In the same time just 4% of a 4GB file had downloaded.


The pigeons are expected to complete a 120km journey to Skegness in around two hours, but Tref Davies, who is organising the stunt to give publicity to the campaign for better rural broadband, said the broadband connection will take significantly longer to tranfer the 300MB file.


"The farm we are using has a connection of around 100 to 200 Kbps (kilobits per second)," Tref Davies, the stunt's organiser, told BBC News on Thursday morning.



"The kids need to do school work and the farmer has to submit online forms but the connection is not fit for purpose."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shetland in line for broadband boost


A broadband project and a scheme to support training for people working for small and medium enterprises in Shetland are among the recipients of European funding that will be announced by Scottish finance minister John Swinney when he visits the islands today (Monday).


The Shetland Fibre Optic Network which plan to connect the islands to a recently-laid fibre optic cable between the Faroe Islands and the Scottish mainland is to receive £367,500 towards a project that will cost in excess of £1 million.


The cable is expected to significantly improve broadband connections.



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