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As Alex McLeish resigns, who's next for Scotland?


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I doot McAllister is the obvious replacement although I widna mind seeing Billy Davies given a crack at it. Other candidates will likly be the likes of Jim Jeffries, John Collins, Stuart McCall, Dalglish, Richard Gough maybe even the likes of George Graham


Who will work with him though, I'd like to see Charlie Nicholas in because he's done nothing but criticise scotland fir da last few years, so lets see what he can do. :twisted: :wink:

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^^^ Aitken is a good shout, but has he ever actually been (the) manager?


We're not exactly spoilt for choice, assuming we get someone half decent, will they be willing to stay with us for 3 years?


Levein would be good, maybe Jeffries.


If Billy Davies get it I'm moving to Wales!

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^^^ :lol: :lol: :lol:


But I agree :cry: :cry: :cry:

Some of the names mentioned don't give me much hope for the future.

Most good international managers have experience of handling big players at big clubs. So far only Kenny Dalglish and George Graham fit that bill (presuming the Mourinho suggestion was tongue-in-cheek), but maybe there is a reason why they've been out of management for so long.


We should have a caretaker manager until next summer. That way when Birmingham are relegated & Carson Yeung takes full contol of the club, we can offer the job to the unemployed Alex Mcleish.

Maybe after he makes a few quid he will be happy with the Scotland job. What an absolute retard the guy is. He has taken the job that nobody else will touch with a barge pole. I can only think that he doesn't follow English football, and has no idea about the situation at his new club. Still, why should he care? He's probably just thinking of that 1 million pound cheque he's going to be getting in May.

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so far i'd take McAllister


Although i dont see why Billy Davies would be such a bad choice,(I certainly wouldn't move to Wales) he's been reasonably successful with all his cubs, he got a piss poor derby team promoted last year and to be honest thats still the position scotland are in.

To be honest Scotland still don't have the quality which many other teams in europe have, although they have passion and ambition, like Derby las season. :? :x :twisted: :roll:


Will the likes of Burley leave Southamptn to go to Scotland, am not sure he will because he'll be looking to be a premiership manager ASAP. And remember scotland have no competitive matches for a year. So what premiership club will look at him??


What about Stuart McCall, Paul Lambert, John Collins, Colin Hendry or Richard Gough. Go for somebody completely different, take a gamble on it. These guys will have respect as former Scotland players and they will be young and enthusiastic.

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Maybe after he makes a few quid he will be happy with the Scotland job. What an absolute retard the guy is.


I don't want "big eck" back! Anyone who thinks saving Birmingham F.C from relegation rather than taking Scotland to a World Cup needs thier head examined.


Who the f**k are Birmingham? Sorry, but they are just a bunch of Journeymen.


I would forgive the "big eck" if he left Scotland for a major european club e.g Champions League standard. I see why Walter left Scotland for Rangers but i bet Walter would have never have gone to Birmingham.

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Yeah things like this do annoy me, its all purely for the money. If you get offered a job that trebles your salary then its probably hard to turn down. But i am disappointed when club football pushes international football to the side, for me (although i know many disagree) national team football is far more interesting and i'd tune into the World Cup and Euro Champs + qualifiers ahead of Premier League or Champs League any day.

I think George Graham would be a good guy to bring in if Scotland were in trouble lik when Berti left. However I don't think he's what Scotland need at the moment. I think it should be a youngish figure like McLeish. Maybe McAllister, Burley or Davies. Should Dalgleish be given a chance after all this time?

Just no Tommy Burns and NO NO NO, PLEASE NO Graham Souness!!

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