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Wanting to move to Shetland


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^^ Is there anyplace that's wilder than the south end of Fitful and Garths Ness in a SW gale. :?


Point taken though, anyone that can see the opposite direction has a far more sedate view, I can't, I have a "lovely" vista of a total concrete/tarmac/roof tiles collage with a hint of sky on top in that direction. :evil:


I'll try and be on my best behaviour though if it is the house I think it probably is.

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well they are buying a place near the airport.


I hope they were warned before signing the papers that they're running the risk of having me as a neighbour. :wink:


Ah Ghostrider, do you have a motorbike? Sugar, I sold my Arai lid a few weeks ago! Never mind, you can still take me for a spin. :wink:


Given that our Solicitor is in Glasgow, he is signing most of the paperwork. I'm sure you'll be a fine neighbour - fancy giving us a hand unpacking then?

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There is nothing wrong with social housing, at all........


unlinkedstudent...good luck with your move and I am sure you will get a verry warrm welcome


Cheers shetlandpeat - I've reached the mega nervous stage as settlement date edges closer. We are currently in a council flat so whilst I'm not against social housing, I'll also be pleased to move - not due to social housing but more to do with getting out of London.


I know some peeps have commented to me that it will be a huge change but I was brought up in Lincolnshire on the edge of the River Humber - I remember the gale force winds and the school closing for 3 days at a time when we got snowed in!


There's another thread about locking doors - having lived 4 floors up with no lift for 10 years with a security entrance system for the last five, it may take me a while to adjust so don't think I'm being rude if my doors are locked ... I don't want the dogs getting out and besides, if I'm sitting in naked, I'd probably scare you half to death before I've even opened my mouth!

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Hope the love lorn person comes and tries it out you can always move on if you dont like it. Thats called taking risks-and its fun keep your home on mainland though.

Wind that can mean you can not stand up, but dries your washing in an hour. every cloud has a silver lining!

having said that washing also domestically abuses you on a windy day.

it is true its more expensive to live here but you will not buy rubbish you dont actually need so will inevtably de clutter which is a good thing, so i am told! by wife.

you will never belong here! person stating about sooth moothers dropping odd shetland word in is classic example of native attitudes. This eclectic language is a result of wanting to communicate with someone you like in an easy relaxed way, not an attempt to sound like them and is often subliminal. (if you ever speak to a scouser you cant help it). Give it a go! av fun if you dont seek pastures new its called living...............we can hae a pint :lol:

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Could you bring some proper ale(please!) most of the local brew is like dishwater. :cry: Except the red McGregor from Orkney, which is the best beer ever. :P Or was until they changed it. I'm sure they weakened it when the label was changed not long ago. :shock:

Have you not found the Inn on the Hill (Westings) in Wormadale? Real ale! Currently London Pride and Abbot I think. I have not been there for a couple of days so I loose track of what goes on and off.

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