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Wanting to move to Shetland


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When I had the riding school on the Westside, we had groups of kids from yoof clubs and schools and it always the kids from Mossbank who were the politest, saying please and thank-you without being prompted. Every year, everyone a coconut, the Mossbank kids were the best.


I am not saying who were the rudest.....



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Staying in a Council house in Mossbank would be luxury compared to staying in a caravan, especially in this weather. Would it not ?


I wouldn't know about the ones in Mossbank as I don't think I've ever seen them, but I've seen and been in a few SIC residential properties that I'd choose even a very average caravan over without hesitation.

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how do you people get off on insulting council tenants?your pathetic.Too many people on here seem to enjoy running other people down for one reason or another.Your just little cyber warriors,insignificant people who find it easy to offend others cos its not face to face.

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Okay, let's take a time out on this derogatory line of discussion folks.


To portray an entire geographic region of Shetland in this manner is prejudiced, inaccurate and unreasonable.


As goes for insulting retorts.


Desist or the thread will be locked.

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Did you ever stay in a very average caravan ?


I've been in at least as many caravans of all qualities as I've been in council houses, and I stand behind my original comment.


I'm not denying many council houses are of a good/high standard, but not all by a very long shot.

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Whin it hits force twal' I think I'd redder be athin a below average cooncil hoose :wink:


By default a caravan that's not placed on a well chosen sheltered site and properly secured to cope won't be there in the morning after a Force 12 has been through, unlike some council properties that at perched atop a knowe and gets it from every ert. Come in a "south of England" design that when it goes above Force 8 sleep is impossible due to the amount of racket the wind is making whistling over or back-flannin off this or that un-necessary fancy bit on the outside, and half the surrounding amenities cannot take it and are breaking up and adding to the racket.


A lot of things that work fine and last fine enough in Lerwick or Scalloway and also in many of the more sheltered voesides elsewhere, simply don't cut it and don't survive when planted in places they get the full wap from each and every one of the 36 points, yet there's no attempt to compensate for this during design or construction.

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^Agreed. And what is it about Mossbank? It's not as if it's Moss Side (or even marginally comparable).


and yes I've stayed there before (Mossbank that is), albeit very briefly, and had some great times too


Well, that must have been a braw while ago then. My family home is in Brae and my peerie sister is in third year at the high school there. Some of her pals come from Mossbank and refer to it as 'the ghetto'. Back in the days of the oil it was a good place to stay for someone who worked at the terminal, but now a lot of the houses lie empty. It's also fairly well-known (at least to those of us in the North) that a lot of the troublemakers and underachievers at school are former pupils of Mossbank primary. I'm not saying they're all like that - some of my sister's pals, while not very bright, are an agreeable bunch and are no real trouble when they come to the house. I've also noticed, though, that few of the Mossbank kids stay on to sixth year - in my year at Brae, there were about ten bairns who came up to first year from Mossbank and only one of those stayed onto sixth year and went to uni.


In addition, Mossbank is one of the few places in Shetland where people lock their doors. I had cousins who lived in Mossbank for four years before they moved to Brae. I went to stay over at their house when I was about nine and was shocked to see that they locked their door, because we never locked ours.


That said...you're right enough about not wanting to stay in a caravan at this time of year. At least the council house in Mossbank would be warm.

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There's nothig wrong with Mossbank. I lived there for part of my life and never had a complaint. Also, you go on about the troubles in Mossbank but all the trouble is in Firth, the top end of Mossbank. When have you ever seen trouble from the bottom end of Mossbank. And the people that were referred to may live in Mossbank but, as it was stated, spend all their time in Lerwick and all they crimes they've comitted have been in the town.

As for the comments on staying on for 6th year, they may have left school and got an apprenticeship. Staying on at school wont necessarily set you up for life.

Also, it gets called the Ghetto because of the reputation people are very quick to give it.

I don't think you should knock it until you've tried it.

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