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Hi, folks


Just a heads up to let you all know that our esteemed Trout has worked his magic and enabled us to embed Seeqpod into forum posts.


For those who aren't familiar with Seeqpod, it is an MP3 search engine which works very nicely indeed. Even if you don't want to use it via Shetlink, I can heartily recommend it as a way of finding music to listen to.


To use the plugin:


    [*:3f6c4995e4]Visit Seeqpod and find the music you want to share
    [*:3f6c4995e4]Select the track and choose 'Options', then 'Embed'
    [*:3f6c4995e4]In the window which appears choose 'Copy to clipboard' from below the box which reads URL
    [*:3f6c4995e4]Paste the URL in between [sEEQPOD] tags



will produce




It is also possible to embed whole playlists too, but I haven't tried this out yet.


Have fun! Lets hear some of your favourite tunage ;)

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Hmm.... seems that something is amiss. Can't get this to work today either... :?


The URLs provided today look slightly different from those we were getting last night. Compare:





Not sure why it is doing this but if I replace the /search/ with /music/ in your URL, we get this:





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