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Shetland expressions


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"an erše apo her lek an ill packit bag o oo"

:D :D :D you know me then!




'Boy du is spaekin da very aesence o slester!'


I have heard that one as "Aeshins of slester" and was told that the aeshins were the top of the byre wall where the roof meets it, and in winter the cow manure would be thrown against the byre wall until it reached the aeshins??????

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"an erše apo her lek an ill packit bag o oo"

:D :D :D you know me then!




'Boy du is spaekin da very aesence o slester!'


I have heard that one as "Aeshins of slester" and was told that the aeshins were the top of the byre wall where the roof meets it, and in winter the cow manure would be thrown against the byre wall until it reached the aeshins??????


Hit's possible. 'Aeshins' is English 'eaves', mair or less, an da muck in a byre certainly did gaeng up dat far - mony a time I'm muckit it oot!


I'm ey tocht, toh, at 'aeshins' in dis context wis English 'essence'. Stories laek yun micht be true, or dey micht be med up efterhaand. I'm no sure I can see whit wye you wid spaek aboot da 'aeshins o sh*te', wi 'aeshins' meanin 'eaves', redder as juist sayin 'sh*te', bit da 'essence' meanin wid mak mair sense. Dunna kaen, toh.


Duis ony idder body say 'Aeshins o bruck' or im I med dat up mesel?


(Aaargh! Da censorbot turned aa my 'sh*tes' inta 'sharn', so I'm hed ta pit a asterisk ithin dem - I see noo whit wye you aa spell 'slester'.)

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Haes grippin wit.


Kens da sheeny side ö a shillin.


A warl-windir sit athin it - I hae nae idee whaat 'warl-winder' is/wis, bit hit meens da sam is "Oh, da deevil tak hit"


'Ahent da ruddir' an 'Da ships ir bye Sumbra Hed' baith meen da sam, dat hit's far ower late ta dü onnythin aboot whitivver it wis.

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