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Shetland expressions


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  • 3 weeks later...

It kem ta me dis mornin at a Shaetlan expression ay used wis mebbe mair Shaetlan as i towt:


"A peerie start" (a little while, small amount of time)


Noo, is 'start' used as a measure o time on y idder wye? I canna tink o it.

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I'm never heard 'start' oesed wi dis meanin in ony idder kind o English (i da brod sense o 'English') altoh I'm no leukit up da Oxford English Dictionary. Da Concise Scots Dictionary haes dis meanin wi 'now Shetland', at wid maybe imply at hit wis eence mair general in Scots.

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^^ I wiss I kent foo lang a "start" wis, für is weel is a "peerie start" fok spaek aboot "a start" an "a braw start".


It laest whin dey sae hit'll be athin "a blink" hit kinda spaeks für hitsell.


I doot a peerie start wid be less as a start an a braa start wid be langer! As for a start, he wid be atween da twa!

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