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Chess Shetland


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Prefer brain training to a physical work-out? Play chess? Why not join the Chess Shetland team at SchemingMind.com? Overcome Shetland's weather, geographic constraints and transport problems to play on the internet whenever and where-ever you want . Find like minded players from Unst to Fair Isle and Bressay to Foula.


The SchemingMind.com is a correspondence style chess site with teams and players from all over the world that strikes a good balance between informality and strong chess. Initially an internet team, I would hope to use the team's forum to possibly progress to an OTB club where players could meet on a regular basis.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Just wanted to say 'Good luck!" to all the young'uns playing in the Chess Competition this afternoon at the Museum. I think it's great that the Museum is hosting such an event. Is there any other place in Shetland for children to play chess competitively, other than the school corridors at breaktimes? It'd be great if the competition could be an annual event. :)

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There's a senior chess tournament on in the museum this Saturday and, according to the Shetland Times website, there are still places available.


It would be nice if something more like a chess club could come from these events and they might provide the push for it to happen. The attempt above in the Library was certainly a worthy attempt but having the Lewis pieces here has certainly provided impetus.


Like all things in Shetland, it needs dedicated and energetic volunteers to take it forward.

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got an email through last night, was trying to figure out how to edit information in it

Would you mind assuring everyone on Shetlink that Derek, Jan, Emma & I will a) hold another Junior tournament before the summer nights set in, and B) put together a chess club come the autumn where kids are welcomed, and c) help schools to create chess clubs of their own (the schools I know about are very keen).


We will get this together, and we would welcome the assistance of everyone who is willing to give time, particularly those who have been disclosure-checked for working with young people.



Kenneth Beer

Shetland Chess Champion 1977, 1979, 1981


There's also a bit in there about continuing the annual chess comps and the need for additional sponsors.


If you think you can help can I suggest contacting THEM (not me)

Emma Miller's at the museum, Derek Hughson & Jan Riise and at the council and Ken's at Kildrummy. All Four with be at the competition on Saturday.

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I never knew this thread existed until today and so I hurried along to SchemingMind.com to join up but the team is no longer.


Anyway, it may be slightly presumptuous of me but I decided to create a Shetland chess clan on the correspondence site I use, namely www.playtheimmortalgame.com


Annual membership costs around £25 but you can join for free (limited to 5 games at a time and you can't join clans on the free membership though).


I recommend it if like me you enjoy playing chess daily without access to OTB games. If you do join the site you can find the clan by searching for 'Shetland'.


Also looking forward to a Shetland OTB chess club in the near future!

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The senior chess tournament at Shetland Museum and Archives on Saturday went really well. Derek Hughson, Jan Riise and Bobby Sandison were joint first place winners on points, with Derek just edging ahead by half a point on opponent scores.

Plans are afoot to begin a Shetland Chess Club, but willing participants are needed! There will be a bit of work to be done to put the club together, but there are already plans to hold another junior tournament before the summer.

Anyone who is interested in helping to get the club together should email chess@kildrummy.com

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  • 7 months later...

Following on from the chess competitions earlier in the year, the Shetland Chess Club had its first meeting this week to set up an OTB playing schedule.


Players of all abilities are welcome to come along every Thursday evening. A league system will be established with the expectation that competitions will be held towards the end of the season (April/May)


The Shetland Chess Club will meet on Thursday evenings from 6.30-9.30pm in room 5, Islesburgh House, Lerwick. (come along for the whole session or just an hour)


A nominal payment of £1.00 per adult and £0.50p per child (under 16 yrs) will be collected each session to help with the costs of room hire.


The Facebook page is on it's way - mind and visit for results updates!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 years later...
  • 3 years later...

After being inspired by da Queens Gambit TV series, a family member was askin about learning chess, and I minded seein dis thread.

Is da Shetland Chess Club still runnin, and do dey welcome complete beginners?

And can onybody recommend some good websites whaur a newbie can learn? I had a google but didna ken whaur ta start!

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