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Blue Moon

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According to my calculations, tonight's full moon is a Blue Moon. First one since 2005, therefore Shetlink's first.


To work them out, first divide the year into its natural quarters - between solstices and equinoxes. Ordinarily, there will be three full moons per quarter, each of them having its own traditional name. When there are four, the third one is the Blue Moon.


For this quarter:

Spring Equinox: March 20, 05:48

Full moon: March 21, 18:40 (the "Egg Moon")

Full moon: April 20, 10:25 (the "Milk Moon")

Full moon: May 20, 02:12 * * Blue Moon * *

Full moon: June 18, 17:31 (the "Flower Moon")

Summer Solstice: June 21, 0:21

(All times are in GMT)


So, if you're going to do something unusual, tonight's the night for it.


The Blue Moon is also, of course, an old Saxon tradition, but you can't get the woad nowadays :D

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