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Has aabody forgotten da Shetland Smokehouse?


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It's braaly sad ta see baith da aald & new Smokehouses ida Shetland Times dis week.


Why has da destruction o' dis lang staanding, thriving business been allowed ta happen? Why has da SIC dished oot WIR money (twice) ta line da pockets o' a fish factory in Buckie? Why is da factory noo lyin empty, da folk o' da place jobless and da hard wirkit fur markets gone oot da Sooth Mooth? Why wid naebody listen tae da Skeld folk when they telt whit wis goin on? Anidder SIC(K) cock up!!

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Guest Anonymous

^^^^Aaabody's been ower busy tryin ta block Mareel. Meybe a certain wast side cooncillor wid a been better haein a tanmtrum aboo da Smokehoose. :wink:

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I am surprised the Buckie Crew were here for so long. it was a sure thing they only got involved (encouraged by SIC cash) to get hands on the Smoke House customer base...


I think i hear that distant chant to all SIC members...." THANK YOU AND GOODBYE"



Jeez when will we ever learn...?



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The Shetland Smokehouse website still has the Skeld phone number listed




and still has




Sent by Special Delivery from the Shetland Islands, your side of salmon


Lazyness or hype?

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No-one has been able to contact da Smokehouse by phone since spring 2007. At that point the phone was cut off and all enquiries (even local ones) were made direct to Buckie, who in turn drip fed Skeld only enough work to keep the front door open, latterly not even that!


Cluny Fish has stripped the Skeld factory of everything movable and transported it to pastures new. Without local and police intervention their workmen would also have removed the purpose built kiln through the side wall of the Smokehouse..............a royal day in Skeld!!!


Re the website - lazyness or hype? - couldn't give a turd more like!

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I must say i feel sorry for the wee Skeld operation, i think it had a lot going for it and has been dealt a raw deal all round.


I'm sure there are positions for all Shetland Smoke House employees at the new "Value Added" factory in Lerwick of "Lerwick Fish Traders"



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Dis is very similar tae da Norroena fiasco, isn' hit? Da SIC gies a lock o paenga tae somene at taks hit an runs.


I tink hit's aa doon tae da want o a Shaetlan identity. Shaetlan is catched atween da twa stuils o (1) bein a hunder miles oot itae da sea, a thing at naebody can alter, an (2) aa da offeecial bodies tinkin da sam wye as offeecial bodies on da mainland. Da loss o da Shaetlan identity - at I wid treap can be illustratit wi da different attitudes tae da Shaetlan tongue - winna shift Shaetland intae da Murray Firth. (Or is it Moray Firth? I bide on it an I canna even spell it!)

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Now that the Smokehouse is empty, what ideas are there out there for future uses? Anything you wouldn't want it used for?


I would love to see an engineering company there that repairs boats. It would tie in with the marina and could bring a range of jobs locally.

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this is on there company web site



Company Profile





Our company philosophy is to add a point of difference to our offering, something special in terms of ingredients and packaging that is unique to us and differentiates us from our competitors in the market place.


We also understand that provenance is very important to today's consumer and we believe that, as we communicate this positive message to our customers, we are delivering the promise which our unique environment provides. main land scotland


In a significant move for both companies, we have joined forces with a well known Scottish Salmon company, Cluny Fish. This move secures our long term future as a quality orientated local company using the best of locally sourced raw material. ye really


Drawing on Cluny Fish's experience in the global marketplace, the Shetland Smokehouse will develop sales and expand its range, creating new value added herring and mackerel products for a discerning market.


[/i]if this is not an abuse of shetlands name i dont know. unless you look very carefully it does not show that this is not a local company.

plus we gave them money.

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I really miss the Shetland Smokehouse smoked mackerel. I used to make the loveliest pate out of it and it doesn't work right with any of the other smoked mackerels available. :(



~ah well~

I'll second that, nothing else comes close yet. Hunter's fish (van or factory unit) do a pretty good version, but it's not as firm as the smokehouse stuff.




I miss it.

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Haven't tried smoked mackerel from them but I've recently been using the Handmade Fish Co in the Toll Clock centre. Really really good. We've had their haddock, smoked haddock and smoked salmon. They smoke with different kinds of wood, such as hawthorn, which gives slightly different flavours. The salmon comes from the Skerries and doesn't contain any artificial colourings, so looks a bit paler than the smoked salmon you would normally see in supermarkets.

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Hand-made have the finest fish of all varieties, except smoked mackerel as yet. He has considered the idea though. :)


Hawthorn smoked salmon is delicious, the old whisky and peat smoked was uniquely delicious too, the Islay single malt of the fish world. :wink:

It's just a such a hard job making it last more than a few hours, one nibble leads to another and pretty soon it's all gone!

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