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Stuart Hill (Captain Calamity) Forvik


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as a non uk resident lets charge him for the rescue. he is of course free to use forvicks sea rescue services. we could aways send him a book on survival at sea, just as a sign of friendship to this small country. was this the first step in the re invasion of forvick. so would that be M.I.5 or 6. i hope mr bond had thermals on its starting to get cold.

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Thats a very good point paulb, for all the fuel and time wasted he could hand over, say, a small bit of land in exhange??????? That would surely put an end to all these problems.


Can't think hes got much else to offer apart from 2 buggered outboards and a boat that could be converted into a hen house :lol:

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i woud not put my hens in it. it needs some waterproofing. seeing papa sound in bad weather i would want a really good boat to go out there. maybe we had better build him a bridge. im sure the SIC could factor it into there spending. possibly after they have built the new high school.

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I agree JAStewart about the laughing matter, but how much longer can Shetland put up with him exploiting the RNLI for his own personal mission? Whats going to happen when theres a real emergency and the RNLI and coastguard are busy rescuing (** MOD EDIT**)? I can only hope that on his return to Forvik an ill-tempered otter goes for him!



(** MOD EDIT ** - tone down your responses please.[/mod]

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now what have the poor otters done to deserve that unprovacted attack. if mr hill wishes to feed himself to our furly friends thats his right and we cant stop him. as long as he doest start phoning the dog warden for help. i wounder if there were any pictures taken of this rescue sound like they could be quite funny. by the way how far out was he.

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Just to clear up my point I have no problem what so ever with Mr Hill’s goal of ruffling some feathers with his little island, good luck to him. He has the determination to follow through something he obviously feels very passionately about.


The problem is he is wasting the time and money of the RNLI by using an unfit boat in a dangerous stretch of water. Has anyone pointed out to him that in a real winter gale the sea goes clean over his little island?

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why cant this man be charged with wasting emergency persons time or endagering life. or we could just send him for a pych assesment.

he plans to go back and recover his mdf boat. does this not sound like his other boating trip. he is either mad or stupid. possabily a compulsive disorder.

send him the bill,

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I am thoroughly embarrassed. It is something I tried to avoid.


No, it patently isn't.


At night, in stormy weather, making a non-essential crossing in a low-gunwale square boat, crossing one of the most treacherous open water channels in the UK.


That's like saying i tried to avoid getting drunk by limiting my consumption to wine.


Or i tried to avoid a road accident by standing still in the middle of the highway.


Or....or or or.... you get the picture :wink:

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"He didn't have a lifejacket on or a VHF radio. He had a flare but couldn't use it and by the time we got there, his mobile phone battery was flat.

he did not have any rescue equipment after the previous events at sea. lets get him signed up with the college he urgently needs to learn some skills. there is something wrong with is thinking. if i needed rescuing i would go over the top with equipment the next time i went to sea.

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