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Stuart Hill (Captain Calamity) Forvik


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While it is acceptable to discuss the affairs of Mr Hill that are freely available in the public domain, his private life and business are off limits for discussion here under the T&Cs.


If that address is freely available in public then it is okay, if not it will have to be removed and discussion of the nature of his business is probably not really acceptable here either. Thanks. :wink:

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stuart@rawsails.com From: http://www.rawsails.com/


stuart@sovereignterritory.com From: http://www.sovereignterritory.co.uk/


info@blurringlines.com From: http://blurringlines.com/


Stuart Hill


The Crown Dependency of Forvik Island

Via Melby Pier





info@forvik.com From: http://www.forvik.com/


The sites at No's 2 & 3 include details of a Shetland Mainland address and a landline phone number, the address is almost certainly long out of date, but mail might still get forwarded to his current address, the phone number is also probably out of date.


Of course, if all else fails, you could try sending him a PM via Shetlink, a character claiming to be the person in question did post at one time, until they claimed (elsewhere I think) that "we" "depressed" them, or something similar.

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After a bit more digging we find....


Shetland Independent


Cunningsburgh ZE2 9HA

Or call Stuart Hill: 01950 477829

Email: admin@shetind.com


From: http://shetlandindependentnews.com/issue7/Issue7.pdf


A maximum of 11 months old, and appears to be the newest available online.


Also....from here: http://www.shetlink.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2629&start=0&sid=0c928bdbf0313bb915a12517aeff257e we have the man himself (allegedly) confirming that he, the Shetland Independent Newsletter, and Real Aerofoil Wing Sails Ltd. are one and the same....


The newsletter is published by Real Aerofoil Wing Sails Ltd., my own company, trading as The Shetland Independent Newsletter.
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The letter with the RAWSailsLtd address from Lerwick Sheriff Office is dated earlier this month.


Info from the Companies House:


RAW Sails Ltd is registered 24/1 2004




Further digging shows that accounts have been submitted for 2004 and 2005 but accounts for 2006 and 2007 are overdue. It is likely the firm has been fined for not submitting their yearly scrutinised accounts.


Also I find that the registered address for RAW Sails Ltd. is 47, Commercial Street. An address shared with A9 Partnership. Do we know that company????


When did Stuart Hill settle in Shetland???


Now you'd think that if Mr. Hill owes VAT then his firm must have had at least SOME sale.


But after my digging into his firm, I'm not longer so sure about that. We have only Mr. Hill's word that his legal battle is about VAT. It might very well be that what he owes are fines.

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Also I find that the registered address for RAW Sails Ltd. is 47, Commercial Street. An address shared with A9 Partnership. Do we know that company????.


A9 is afirm of accountants that have been in Shetland for about 20 years. It is quite common for accountants or lawyers to act as registered addresses as they deal with the Companies House paperwork.


Now you'd think that if Mr. Hill owes VAT then his firm must have had at least SOME sale.


But after my digging into his firm, I'm not longer so sure about that. We have only Mr. Hill's word that his legal battle is about VAT. It might very well be that what he owes are fines.


It could be that he registered for VAT when he set up his firm intending to reclaim VAT on equipment purchased, then failed to make returns . Even if you have no transactions in a period you must still fill out a return with zeros in the various boxes. Failure to do so will result in penalties

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  • 4 weeks later...

I haven't bothered to read anything about this Forvik declaration (or what it's called), but I came across this (as one of the first seemingly), when searching for 'Shetland' on Youtube last night:


Seems to me that Mr. Hill has good point here, regarding the 'ownership' of Shetland; or what?

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  • 1 month later...

A little bird told me that he has been very busy of late with the specification and design for the new Forvik bridge.


And as there is no ferry to Forvik, the Forvik bridge will have a top priority.


Will this mean the Bressay bridge will be shelved :!: :shock:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Smyril say the Norrona will make its first scheduled stop in Forvik, on the 14th February. It will then stop there weekly in both directions from Faroe.


Smyril says that Shetland has never been very important in its plans, but obviously Forvik is essential if the service is to survive! :shock:

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Has there been any been gritting in Forvik yet. Or would it be a major diplomatic incident if the council were to cross the border and what about ID cards etc. The next we will hear is that the customs, has made a landing to look for ill-gotten gains, And now we all know where the Council has been stashing all the oil money. in offshore accounts. And all the claims on expenses that will now arise from councillors going on a fact finding mission but relay just going to stash there cannabis plants and to get back there duty free fags and drink

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