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Stuart Hill (Captain Calamity) Forvik


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I would feel pretty uncomfortable ... because all the taxes and national insurance that I could pay in my lifetime wouldn't cover the month in intensive care and 3 months in hospital in Aberdeen, that saved my daughters life.


But a few seconds production from the oil around here would and a lot more besides.

10% of the fishing effort in shetland waters is by UK boats and we have a very small part of that, with control of our own waters we could live quite comfortably.

And just like every other small country in the world we could offer very favourable tax laws to individuales and companies, raking in quite a bit more ready currency.

With more control of our destiny a lot more of our young folk would choose to stay as there would be rewarding careers available localy more chance for them to achieve their potential.

The vast resources of oil and gas we have around our shores would pay for any transition and allow us to invest in our own future on our own terms.

The Isle of Man, Guernsey, Jersey etc manage rather well without our resources, so the arguments against us returning to our indipendance just don't hold water

For the life of me I can't understand you or anyone else with Shetlands best interest at heart objecting

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Only one problem in that idea SS, would you trust our council to keep within a budget which wouldn't bankrupt the islands in a few years of subsidising "white elephants"?......

I saw a program on the Isle of Man not too long ago, they have their own government, gas company...the whole deal, they pay more tax than we do and not many of the locals can afford property. It's bad enough here without being a tax haven....

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I don’t come here very often, but I thought I’d stroll over and see what’s going on. It’s like walking into a parallel negative universe. I see precious little challenge to my arguments – if you can’t win the argument, attack the man. What I do find here is in complete contrast with my inbox. The ratio of dissenting voices there is roughly 2%. No wonder my website crashed briefly – 4621 visitors in the past two days.

Had a chuckle when I saw my landrover’s been fishboxed – nice one. By the way, if you can’t safely drive past it, you shouldn’t be on the road. It’s on a stretch of double track road with plenty of room to see both ways unless you’re driving at excessive speed. Anyone could park a car there in complete safety.

Some people are missing the point of what I’m doing. Forvik is not some foreign domain – it’s part of Shetland. Any of my activities could be done anywhere in Shetland. I’m out to prove that the so-called authority of the UK or Scottish governments has no foundation and is only kept in place because nobody questions it. If their authority is legitimate, then nobody should by shy about coming forward to prove it. I do not believe they have any legitimate authority, I have the proof and I am being deliberately disobedient in an effort to provoke a reaction. They have two choices – ignore me and run the risk that others might start to withhold their taxes, or take me to court and have to explain how they derive their authority. The fact that I’ve been left alone so long indicates that it’s a problem for them.

So far the VAT and Income Tax authorities have backed off from a confrontation and the SIC has also declined. Why has the planning department not demanded I remove the house? They would anywhere else in Shetland.

I have been in correspondence with the Queen, the Lord Chancellor, the First Minister – the highest legal authorities in the land and nobody has an answer to the simple question ‘when did Shetland become part of Scotland?’ See: http://www.forvik.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=35&Itemid=82. If it never happened then quite simply the UK and Scotland have no authority here. You may not think that’s important, but I do not like the idea of living under an illegal regime and will continue to challenge it until somebody gives me an answer. If I’m right, Shetland could have the opportunity to choose whatever relationship it wants with the rest of the world. If it chooses to stick with the status quo, that’s fine. Some people would like to have more autonomy, a better democracy, maybe get out of the EU – we could have those choices. If we do nothing – and I see nobody else prepared to ask the questions and demand answers, we have no choice. I don’t have the arrogance to tell Shetland what to do, but I do believe it should have the choice to decide.

People ask what would Shetland do without the grants and subsidies? In 2003 ( the latest figures I can get at present) Shetland’s contribution to the UK treasury was £200 million. In the same year the SIC’s budget, including all grants and subsidies was £100 million. By my reckoning that means Shetlands net contribution to the UK for that year was £100 million. If Shetland stopped paying taxes to the UK government, we would be better off by about four of five Viking Energy projects without the environmental carnage. And that's without taking into account the oil and the fishing. If I’ve got my figures wrong, please email me.

Anyone suggesting I’m in this for the money should try it – I can think of much easier ways to make money. As for those who get indignant about what I cost the taxpayer, just think about the Bressay Bridge, the Viking Energy project and countless other follies wasting our money. If what I’m doing can help stop that kind of nonsense, the cost is miniscule. Look on it as a small investment.

I’ve made mistakes and I will continue to make more because that’s the nature of what I’m doing. What I won’t do is give up because some people get themselves upset. There are plenty more who want me to carry on and it’s those I listen to. Half price car tax anyone? How about zero Income Tax?

I’ll pop in another time and see how you’re all doing.

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I speak as an English person about to move to Shetland. What I find extremely distasteful is that you are not from Shetland. If those born, residing, etc., in Shetland decided to challenge it, so be it but it really gets on my nerves that you feel you have the right to do this (and by residing I mean prior to the protest and as far as I'm aware, you were not).


You should pay road tax, everyone else does. What gives you the right to have defences on the shoreline? Silly me, come and view a plot of land that I have no right to sell you and you'll get blown up.


Quite simply Stuart, I regard you as an embarrassment to England; let alone anywhere else.

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Your sheer arrogance is outstanding Calamity, it really is. Why leave that heap in Sandness? Why not Lerwick? Or indeed where you live......Cunningsburgh? You have a knack for getting on peoples nerves in Sandness, first you block the slipway with your "boat" and now this latest ridiculous stunt.

You've been in correspondance with those people have you? Or have you just sent off a few petty letters with no reply? Oh, and as for your money being wasted on such things as the bridge or the VE project.....I thought you didn't pay your taxes? Make your mind up Calamity.

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Guest Anonymous

If, as you say Stuart, the number of dissenting remarks on your website is only 2%. It would be interesting to know what percentage of remarks on your website are from Shetlanders, about 2% perhaps ??

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Well, I'd have to say thank you Stuart for taking the time to respond to this discussion on Shetlink. It is without doubt that if you(stuart) were to engage in a continuous discussion of the subject it would take up a vast amount of your time but, some comment is better than no comment.


I would also hope that any comments you consider to be "attacking the man" to any offensive extent you will report to one of us moderators, as is our role.


One interesting point made in the text above about how much money goes out of Shetland versus how much is returned is one which I have been somewhat aware of for a very long time. I do seem to recall looking at figures on this subject nigh on 20 years ago and being shocked at the difference/shortfall and that is totally excluding oil revenues. I can only conclude that the shortfall is one of national prevalence and goes toward funding administration and politics, otherwise we are being greatly short changed (perhaps not quite as much as the £100 million per annum portrayed here) and have been for a very long time.

I do, however, personally feel that issue is part of a long masticated debate on Shetland's future independence or devolution and not one that may be drawn from the re-examination of historical events of half a millennium ago, though the two are undoubtedly woven together to an extent. Understanding of the unique devolved powers granted to Shetland in the oil boom era are highly significant to this matter too. It is a subject of vast depth, requiring the co-operation of, and dialogue with, our governors as much as it requires dissent from them. :wink: It is worth recalling that 30 years ago that, allegedly, elements of English government stood in favour of Shetland's complete independence from an independent Scotland. It would be interesting to know how they felt about it now.


Hmm, I think we have an 'independence' thread somewhere here too, :? so I'll shut up. :wink:

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I’m out to prove that the so-called authority of the UK or Scottish governments has no foundation and is only kept in place because nobody questions it. If their authority is legitimate, then nobody should by shy about coming forward to prove it. I do not believe they have any legitimate authority, I have the proof and I am being deliberately disobedient in an effort to provoke a reaction.


I don't normally take part in this thread but since you're here...


The problem with your arguement, as i see it, is that if Shetland was never officially Scottish/British then it remains Norweign and I don't see Norway arguing about the status of the island. Call it 'Grandfather Rights' or whatever, Scotland has taken responsibility for the islands for hundreds of years and Norway hasn't been at all interested.


If Norway decides to retake the Island in some kind of Falklands style conflict then there may well be some questions to answer but as they seem happy to acknowledge Shetland as part of the UK there is nothing to argue about.

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well we watched the program, and within 10 mins of Mr Hill's bit, we had a seriously worded complaint heading off to the BBC complaints department. We felt it more than a tad disturbing that agencies such as the BBC would actively encourage people to throw funds at this fraud in payment for citizenship of an island he does not own and the owner wants him removed from.



We strongly feel the BBC did not do their research correctly and have made a huge and embarrasing for them, blunder in giving Mr Hill viewing time.

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well we watched the program, and within 10 mins of Mr Hill's bit, we had a seriously worded complaint heading off to the BBC complaints department.


We strongly feel the BBC did not do their research correctly and have made a huge and embarrasing for them, blunder in giving Mr Hill viewing time.


You haven't posted it have you because it was definitely broadcast by STV.

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