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Stuart Hill (Captain Calamity) Forvik


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What can Calamity do for the good people of Shetland?


Should he stand for election and take on Carmichael?


Calamity V Carmichael?


What a choice?


As far as I know, Hill is not a liar.


Oh I think his first lie (about how he came to be in need of rescue) was not his last. Who could trust the word of someone that happily puts the life of others at risk for a publicity stunt?



And Carmichael doesn't put the lives of those around him at any risk? He doesn't tell any lies?



If I told you a lie, what would you call me ?


Calamity said he had put mines around Forvik, this has been proved incorrect. What do you call someone who says he has done something, when he has not done anything?


Calamity said he would pay the debts he owed to the printers,(Shetland Independent News) (aprox £13000) this he has not done according to the printers. If I say I am going to pay a debt, and I do not, what would you call me?


Calamity has taken money off all sorts of people for Forvik Passports/Visas/membership, to me this is a form of .............. You decide, I am not a legal expert. You tell me?


Calamity original protest was against MP's who he considered are Liars and Thieves. In fairness

he did get this correct as shortly after many MP's had been exposed for the corruption of an expenses scandal. Is Calamity any better than the MP's?


I do hope Calamity does stand for election , would Carmichael step down at the thought of getting less votes than Calamity?


Any Shetland candidate up for election as an Independent party  for Shetland Independence?

Or do we leave it for Calamity? :thmbsup


Carmichael is well known as an outright liar that only looks after himself.



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I heard on the Radio this morning, that when they asked 2000 Americans 1800 questions, with complete anonymity .


The stats showed that 91% of us are Liars.


They found Catholics lied more than Protestants, and Protestants lied more than Jews.


Is Carmichael American? Does Donald Trump want Carmichael?

Buy one get one free come to mind.


Carmichael, Calamity, Trump..... God help us :thmbsup

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  • 4 months later...

Stuart Hill may be right in some of his research, but after several court appearances on various

charges including invading small islands, and breaking into private premises, he has little but

nuisance value.

He seems to relish confrontation, and his latest escapade involves a particularly unsightly boat

shed. The planning department have ensured it was pulled down and there will be few tears shed in

the Cunningsburgh area. There are many who feel he seems able to do whatever he likes, and now to

his great distress he has found this is not the case.

He asserts that he needs the boat shed to make his craft seaworthy once more. I would suggest that

this is a particularly bad idea. If his boat hits the water again the chances are he would require

yet another rescue, courtesy of coastguard services provided by a government he doesn't recognise.

The planning dept. get some bad press, but deserve some credit this time.

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Don't know any more about this than what I read in the article but, it seems to me that there appears to be fault on all 3 sides of the argument.

Was the boat shed set on foundations?  If not, then it is very definitely a "temporary" structure.

What about the laws concerning private property?  Did the Pier Committee/Trust/Whatever have the right to "pull down" (destroy) what was not theirs or did the "dismantle" (disassemble) it instead?


I'm not going to "take a pop" at Stuart Hill or his history but, just like the rest of us, the man has "rights".


Perhaps the whole issue could have been avoided by using scaffold tubing and tarpaulin.

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OK but, the way I read the article, I presumed that he originally had some kind of permission to erect the shed.  Why else would he be seeking planning permission.


We all know that he can be his own worst enemy but, what I don't get is the "gleeful gloating" and personal attacks that go on whenever he starts another fight(?).

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OK but, the way I read the article, I presumed that he originally had some kind of permission to erect the shed.  Why else would he be seeking planning permission.


We all know that he can be his own worst enemy but, what I don't get is the "gleeful gloating" and personal attacks that go on whenever he starts another fight(?).

Not necessarily saying you're wrong, but the way it came across to me was that the owners had agreed he could put up a 'shelter over his boat so he could work on it'. These things usually take the form or tarp covered scaffolding pole structures, a la the big hoose on the Hillhead of late, approx a metre or two longer/wider/higher than the item it encloses. Not, wooden framed, sterling board covered sheds, three times the width and twice the height of its contents.


Any gloating' that may seem to be being done, may well have a great deal to do with that just about everything Calamity undertakes has some sort of hidden ulterior motive that he expects other folk to get involved in, whether they really want to or not. That, and the fact the vast majority of his endeavours end 'badly' for anyone anywhere near them. It's become very much an 'Oh hell, what clusterf*ck is he creating now' whenever his head pops above the parapet.

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