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I agree that you just might be correct but, character assasination aside, my point was ;


"Do the SIC treat everyone equally".


Apparently not I think.


Who is to say that Stuart Hill would NOT have removed his posters after the election AND, were all the "parties" given 24 hours to remove theirs ?


Level playing field and all that stuff. 

Difference is Mr Hill is not standing as a candidate,just imagine the mess if we all plastered posters anywhere we wanted, to emphasize our views !


just as a matter of interest perhaps, I think i have had a Lib/Dem leaflet in my letterbox everyday for the past few weeks,whats that cost !  


So much for eqaulity and freedon of speech.   !!!


Prospective politicians, and their supporters, have no more rights than anyone else. 


If ANYONE wants to put up a poster to support a particular point of view then, imho, they have every right to do so.

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Leaving aside the actual legalities.....


Just how many posters had he put up?


I'm seriously struggling to believe it was enough for most folk, bar a few pointless SIC suits to really notice them.


Does the SIC not have anything better to do with our tax dollars than pull down a handful of posters......and play right in to the hands of the guy who put them up.


IT stinks of pettiness and jobsworhness.....unless of course the SIC civil serpents servants are really on Calamity's side.....which I seriously doubt. They've just given him a whole slew of free publicity via media coverage for his POV that wouldn't have happened if they'd simply ignored him, and publicity is his goal.......FFS, why else would someone stick up posters.


Igfnore Calamity, and he will eventually go away, acknowledge him and engage with him and it just encourages him. He's just a guy with a pointy stick poking at the establishment wherever he can, and no matter how many times they confiscate his pointy stick, he'll make a new one.....Let him keep on poking until his stick goes blunt.

Edited by Ghostrider
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SIC is like all forms of "government".  Take a sledgehammer and use it to crack a nut.  (No pun intended :roll:  )


I wouldn't advise ignoring the guy as I believe that he may have a valid point to make but, as I have said several times, right idea, wrong man !


As for the "legalities", I wouldn't know where to start but, we all have parents/granparents, et al who fought for the right to (amongst other things) freely express themselves and, we should all be alarmed that these rights are being undermined by unelected "suits" for no apparent proper reason other than "spite".

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^ We are governed by unelected suits, at all levels, that's a big part of our 'problem'.


For too long far too many of the people we've elected to first and foremost keep order on the suits have allowed themselves to be dictated to by the suits, it makes for a quieter and easier life for both the elected, and the suits.


Its time we got a few politicians who are capable of making the suits groan and cringe at just WTF is going to land on their heads this time, everytime that politician opens their mouth, and a few 'statespeople' who have been their long enough and seen enough of all ranks come and go that nothing fazes them anymore. Of late, the only one that just about qualifies is Dennis Skinner.......a not particularly good example in the first place, and rapidly going past his 'Use By' date now.


Maybe after todays putting of scribbles on slips of papers we'll get a few.......but I'll avoid doing anything that might be construed as failure to inhale.

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The ballot box is little more than a survey,

Political change will only come from direct pressure being applied to those who call the shots.


If you are disappointed what are you going to do about it?


Likely nothing that affects the lives of those calling the shots!

Political theatre keeps people from getting uppity

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As said by Colin and probably many other times on this thread, right message wrong man as far as Stuart Hill is concerned. 

As a big believer in autonomy for Shetland I honestly feel his efforts do more harm than good. If we ever do achieve autonomy it will largely be in spite of him rather than because of him. 

In my view, meaningful autonomy is not only desirable for Shetland it is absolutely essential if we are to protect our way of life. Anything else and we will be condemned to a state of managing decline as oil revenues dwindle, with the outlying communities being the first to wither and die. 

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 right message wrong man

Political movements without active supporters don't make an impact.

You are waiting for your cause to have leader that isn't an embarrassment,

But you cant rally round the idea alone because of guilt by association with people generate bad publicity for the cause?


A tree with shallow roots can be pushed over more easily than one with deep roots


If the risk an idiot becoming the posterboy of your movement is enough to stop it from happening what chance does it have?

if there was a larger pool of people who gave a turd you might find a normal person to fill that role.

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right message wrong man

Political movements without active supporters don't make an impact.

You are waiting for your cause to have leader that isn't an embarrassment,

But you cant rally round the idea alone because of guilt by association with people generate bad publicity for the cause?


A tree with shallow roots can be pushed over more easily than one with deep roots


If the risk an idiot becoming the posterboy of your movement is enough to stop it from happening what chance does it have?

if there was a larger pool of people who gave a turd you might find a normal person to fill that role.

Not hard to guess your position by the tone of your post. You seem to think you know a lot about my thoughts and intentions around this issue but I can tell you, you couldn't be wider of the mark.


Plenty of people "give a turd" and there is more than one way to skin a cat as the saying goes.

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My point being is that besides talking about it what would/could you do?

Where are the political parties, Prominent figures and advertisements for such a cause?


You could perhaps get a handful of like minded people but could you get them to fill a room?

Its not your thoughts but organizing a substantial amount of people to join you?


Not asking if they agree but if they would show up.

Logistics and legal challenges follow the challenge of getting people actively involved to do more than just argue about it


i don't ask about your opinion i ask about how many will join you people may agree but be apathetic about it which means they don't do anything.

That doesn't accomplish much.

Edited by NullVoid
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  • 2 months later...

Considering Calamity's chequered career and his long and detailed record of "minor infringements" I would suggest it is somewhat less than proportional.


Since washing up on these shores in 2001, after his ill fated attempt at circumnavigation of the UK, which resulted in no less than seven coastguard, lifeboat rescues, he has become an expensive nuisance.


His idiotic enterprises have done nothing for the independent Shetland he claims to represent, and just clogs up the court system to no sensible purpose.


His offences have included breaking into other people's premises and causing innocent parties to call in solicitors to fight against his idiotic and malevolent claims. He has lost these cases along with his marbles.


The longer they can keep him in custody the better. 



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As the police etc. can video/record what we do why cannot we record/video them / We seem to have lost the right to free speach as well / I know that it is not as bad as some countries in the past but the police state starts some where / We must be one of the most watched as there seems to be cameras on every street corner on the mainland.

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Personally, I think that the right to record "official" actions in any public place (including "public" courtrooms) should be a given as "official" records of the proceedings are a matter of "public record" anyway.


On the other hand, I do find Stuart Hill's continual "tilting at windmills" a little strange and they only serve to reinforce the narrative of an "old fool"


He has done no favours to Shetland since turning up here and has only served to undermine a valid claim.


I'll say it (yet) again.  ;


Right idea, wrong man.

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As long as the Polis and Courts are keeping themselves occupied with his antics they're not bothering the rest of us........


Besides, its something for him to do in his old age, retired folk need hobbies too....I guess.


Free bed and board in one of Her Majesty's finest accomodation establishments for a month, so it ain't all bad.

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I have heard he is not in the best of health you can see from the latest photo of him that he has lost a lot of weight . During his last prison spells he went on hunger strike for the whole of his sentence  if he does it this time it could be the end of him . You see weekly in the Times guys who have done far worse things getting off with a slap on the wrist but Hill really seems to get under these Sheriffs skin for some reason . 

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