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Large Hadron Collider..... bringer of doom?

Will the Large Hadron Collider destroy the world/ universe?  

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  1. 1. Will the Large Hadron Collider destroy the world/ universe?

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    • no
    • not sure
    • don't care

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is this a positive thing



so we are all going to stop getting old.


are you sure they are not building a Tachyonic field engine.


who knows they may know something we dont.

for those who cant be bothered to read long sudoscience articles tesla thouht he had invented this ages back. think of it as a big spaceship engine.

and anybody wanting to know what we need one see below but i warn you its boring.


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H2Xô Scalar Wave Activated Water...


Is this possibly what I saw a documentary about on BBC2 many years ago?


I can only recall this scientist describing the theory by saying how how Homeopathy worked, in that the dilutions were so much so, that there wasn't actually any of the substance detectable in the water, but, the water retained the memory and it still worked.


He went on to demonstrate an engine running on water with 'the memory of petrol'. Or something along those lines?

I just remember the water being agitated in a machine similar to that which paint shops use to mix the tints through the paint- shaken, not stirred...


It was an awfully long time ago and I was quite young and didn't really understand it all.

Does anyone else remember the documentary I am wittering on about? Who was the man?

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Guest posiedon

I can only recall this scientist describing the theory by saying how how Homeopathy worked, in that the dilutions were so much so, that there wasn't actually any of the substance detectable in the water, but, the water retained the memory and it still worked.

It's strange how this water used by homeopathic quacks, can have "selective" memory, it remembers whatever concoction they put it into it (and then completely dilute out) but it doesn't remember the myriad of other substances that it has been in contact with, peeeerlease!

Any given bottle of homeopathic water, could in the past, have been pis*ed out by Napoleon, or used to flush Gandhi's toilet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just been watching some "PR scientist" explain nhow its all perfectly safe.

His reasoning was that these mini black holes they hope to create happen all the time in space.

what he didn't say is that space is a vaccum and there is sausage all matter in close proximity to these naturally occurring black holes for them to feed on so the die in an instant.

But his black hole is going to have £5 billion of chemistry set, a mountain a planet, (that we happen to be very attached to), and a solar system invarying degrees of close proximity on which it can feed and grow stronger.

Now I know Stephen Hawking is all for it, but what the pootle is he got to lose his last contious thought will be I was right black holes do exist and they devour everything they come in proximity with.

Or we don't do the experiment and he dies wondering if he was right or not.

Don't know about the rest of you but I reckon the guys with the long foreheads just may be about to pootle up.


sleep well and pray that an sober engineer is putting it together for them

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