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New Private Message Recieved.

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I've noticed this happening to me a few times - I notice that I've received a PM from the blue box to the left of the screen and then a few days later a message from Shetlink arrives telling me I've a new PM (the one I've already read). Sometimes I never get the message because it goes into my spam box too.

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If I clicked 'delete' on a PM to you AFTER I'd sent it, it wouldn't delete it from your inbox, as far as I'm aware?


When you send a pm it resides in your Outbox until the other person views it. Whilst there it is possible to view it again, edit it yourself or delete it.


It may, however, be a time delay glitch with the database as khitajrah seems to describe.

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^^ As khitajrah says, notification emails being delivered 1-3 days after the actual PM was sent and accessible on Shetlink are common. Its been virtually the norm, for any I've received stretching back many months. My registered email is a Yahoo one, maybe its only selected email providers that it affects.

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