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Dumping of fish


Do you support the dumping of fish?  

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  1. 1. Do you support the dumping of fish?

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This program has done a great job putting it across to the public whats going on at sea maybe the do gooders like greenpeace etc might even get there eyes open and see what these hard working fishermen are being forced to do all in the name off conservation..Is it any wonder things are in the state they are in with Mr Richard Benyon (the fisheries minister) not even knowing what a haddock is..!!!!!!!! :roll: :roll:

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quite enjoyed the Hugh Fernley Whatsisface programme da nite , good but he seems ta contradict himsell a bit, showin cod bein dumped due to lack of quota and at the same time sayin its "unsustainable" an tryin to promote piltocks as an alternative, which there is allso very little quota for except if your French or German, who have boats hooverin dem up ta da easterd o wis flat oot , as keen angler im personally seen mair cod in da last twartree years dan i can ever mind o afore, havin even regularly caught peerie wans while fly fishing for sea troots, an as fur da meenister o fish no keenin a loor fae a haddock , weel really dir no muckle hope dere ir dey? onyway dats my peerie twa pence wirt for what its wirt ?!

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Ive just been reading the Shetland News , Our sheriff has just fined a twenty three year old skipper 2000 thousand pound for landing a few tusk. Its no wonder this country is in a poor state with the attitude from the management of shooting the goose that lays the golden egg.

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Using the above link , I emailed MP Carmichael and requested he sign the early day motion - http://edmi.parliament.uk/EDMi/EDMDetails.aspx?EDMID=42131&SESSION=905


So far he has not signed it , would anybody else who feels strongly about this please email him .


It made me stop and wonder what have these so called liberal democrats ever achieved for us here in shetland ?

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And the chances are he won't. I remember being at a packed crisis meeting in the old Fisherman's Mission several years ago where the plight of the Shetland fishing industry was being discussed and both Alistair Carmichael and Tavish Scott were there standing at the back.


I will never, ever forget the reaction from Alistair Carmichael to some critisism that was levelled at him - he layed his head back against the wall and looked up at the ceiling and let out an enormous sigh. Well, there's support for you....


I also had to shake my head at the EU's decision to ban all Icelandic imports and wir own fishing leader on Radio Shetland tonight supporting it. All this from people who are sunk in a system that dumps thousands of tonnes of perfectly good fish a week as highlighted on Hugh's Fish Fight programme.....

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No pun intended, but try putting .net after fishfight.

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The .com was missing from the link, try it now.

Cross posted but one of us is surely right. :)

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