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Driving test - Insurance


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Anybody who has comprehensive insurance, is automatically covered to drive any car on a third party only basis,


not unless you're over 25 inmost cases.....

younger drivers, esp learners would not have this


anyhoo, it's the driver that needs to be insured not the passenger ;)

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Puddle splash driver fails test


A driving examiner failed a woman on her test after she splashed a pedestrian by driving through a puddle.


Michelle Kelly, 31, from Blackley, Manchester, was told she should have stopped to exchange details with the man, who was waiting at a bus stop.


The mother-of-two protested that if she had swerved to avoid the puddle she might have caused an accident.


She was told her actions constituted a traffic offence - a view shared by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA).


Ms Kelly said the decision was "ridiculous".


She said: "It was my third test and I was really confident. To fail for something like that really annoyed me.


To fail for something like that really annoyed me

Michelle Kelly


"It's ridiculous. Why should you hand over your details? What good would that do?


"It wasn't as though I'd deluged this pedestrian. And if I'd swerved to avoid the puddle I might have caused an accident."


The DSA said it could not comment on specific details of practical driving tests due to data protection laws.


But it pointed out that motorists should have consideration for others, including pedestrians, who can possibly be drenched by passing vehicles.


Its advice is that, where possible, a driver should avoid drenching pedestrians and a failure to do this would be sufficient grounds for failing a driving test.


The Road Traffic Act contains an offence of "careless, and inconsiderate, driving" and Crown Prosecution Service policy states that bad or inconsiderate driving includes driving through a puddle causing pedestrians to be splashed.


Courts may impose fines of up to £2,500 for such an offence.


Ms Kelly now faces taking her test again - for the fourth time.


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Michelle Kelly was told to exchange details with the pedestrian


Story from BBC NEWS:


This beggars belief

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Likewise it is sensible to avoid walking past puddles near the side of the road. If a pedestrian has enough room to avoid the puddle-splashing then that is surely safer than a car having to swerve?


Metal meeting metal at 30mph+ means big splash.


Puddle meeting pedestrian at puddle to gravity ratio means wet person.

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a tester will not drive your car. they will stop the test if they belive your not a safe driver. they will get you to pull up somewhere safe and make you walk back to the centre. or get the qualified driver to come to the car. as you say they are not insured to drive.

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MuckleJoannie I have been soaked by a car driving through a puddle and I just lived with it. It was clear to me that if the car had braked to slow down to go through the puddle the car at the back of him would have smacked into the back of him and he could not swerve out of the way because some twat was parked right next to the puddle it does happen some times I’m not implying that you and Pooks both don’t have a valid point in my case the car had started to go through the puddle and I opened the shop door and stepped out in Scalloway main street at the butcher shop and the hair cutting shop. And splash so to speak . it just seams to me to be one of those “it’s more than what my job is worth†moments

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Likewise it is sensible to avoid walking past puddles near the side of the road. If a pedestrian has enough room to avoid the puddle-splashing then that is surely safer than a car having to swerve?


Metal meeting metal at 30mph+ means big splash.


Puddle meeting pedestrian at puddle to gravity ratio means wet person.


I splashed someone a few weeks back and to be fair the pedestrian just staggered out of a pub was too near to the kerb and I wasn't driving into a bus or having the plooky Corsa driver hard up my bumper going into my car to spare his beige chinos and sandles combo.


He did flick me the V's but well it was the lesser of two evils.

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