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Drivers so bad they provoke road rage!

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I never actually thought of posting that about the fuel economy as I thought everyone knew that it was more fuel efficient to drive between 55 and 60.


Obviously I was wrong!


You can see it on the onboard comp in my car, when doing 30 or 40 the range decreases quite substantially, when back up to speed on the main road it increase again.


Until you get stuck behind piggywiggie that is!

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I just don't get why people feel the need to get somewhere so quick. Especially up here! Ok maybe if ur cutting it fine for plane or boat? Or emergency? But really up here speeding doesn't get you anywhere quicker. Enjoy the views!!!

No ones advocating speeding as far as I can see but is it to much to ask for somebody who's in possession of a valid licence to drive in a manner that doesn't affect the efficient flow of traffic? I also feel far safer following a car driving at the appropriate speed for the road with the driver given their full attention to the road than I do following a car that's dondering along while the driver enjoys the views!!!

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Im not saying drive like a snail but drive at a speed your comfortable with (not super slow or extremely fast) surely driving at a speed your confident at is safer than driving too fast when your not confident(causing accidents)


I know also when I have t get into a car I haven't driven before or not used t driving I drive slower as im getting used to how the car works!

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Oooooooooh noooooooononononononononono.




Utter H.R.Puff'n'Stuff te say otherwise. Even if ye work in a roads-type capacity ( :wink: ) it's STILL wrong te burble such rubbish. There is no minimum speed limit on the motorway, unless there's signs up te say there is a limit on that particklier stretch.


(Unless yer talkin about another country,or I stepped through yet another o them dagnabbit rifts in the time/space continuum. :shock: If that's the case, I'll just check tonight's lotto numbers afore I pop back! Honestly, the furshlugginer things are poppin up everywhere! :roll: )


Mopeds an the like ain't allowed on them simply coz its written inte the law fer the mobile tin-cans-with-hairdryers-attached an other such MaxPower-beasties!


An ye'd havete pose a significant risk te others or be drivin without due care an consideration fer others afore the rozzers will swoop on yez, bimblin along at 40 or whatever.


"Minimum speed limit on motorways"... snort! snigger! BWAHAHAHA! :lol: :lol:

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There used to be a minimum speed, I do remember signs on the M4 near where I lived depicting such. I stand corrected. One thing though, if you are driving too slow, you can be committing an offence. There can be minimum speeds set if signposted.

The speed limits on HGVs is correct. Unless on a dual carriageway, no vehicle over 7.5t should exceed 40 mph.




These appear in Ireland.


Drivers seem always to think they know what is best to suit themselves. I have seen this many times. Happy to force a wheel chair into the road by blocking a pavement in case they loose a wing mirror, the classic is not to obstruct the road. It also causes untold damage to the pavements and the services buried beneath them.


Parking across crossing points, the ramp at these points again, are for the wheel chair users and helps others with mobility problems.


Facing the wrong way when they park, then pulling out blind into oncoming traffic, driving then on the wrong side of the road. It is against the highway code to park facing oncoming traffic unless in a marked parking bay.


Those who do not maintain a safe distance from the car in front. It can be intimidating for the car in front.


All speeding. If we were meant to cope with high speed, why do we have to wear goggles when using chisels?


Using mobile phones, unless in a cradle, phones should be turned off.


The selfishness of drivers, expecting everyone to get out of their way because they have money to burn. I like the way they have turned against the slower driver here, as it must be all their fault. Forcing someone to do something they do not want to do is not the way to improve road safety.

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"All speeding. If we were meant to cope with high speed, why do we have to wear goggles when using chisels? "


Ye know, peatstack me ould chumblebum, I feckin LOVE yer reasonin an analogy here. Truly I do an' not one single solitary lonesome teeny-tiny eenie-weenie scrap, trace, jot, speck or iota of sarcasm should be read inte that plightin o troth te yer verburblisationing here. Ye've brightened up me Sunday mornin an no mistook! :D


An furthermore I'd just like te say that I agree with every single word ye wrote in this post (except the bit about how there used te be a minimum speed limit, coz I don't remember that mesel', an' yer crazy wacky Zen koan, as above, that i will be quotin EVERY time someone mentions speedin te me from this moment on! ).


Well said, o beardy-weirdy-dragon-headed one! Now, teach me more koans, guru? How about, "If a tree falls in the forest, is it an excuse fer GB Oils te put up their prices again?" Oopsie-doopsie! That's fer another thread!:wink:

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There is no legal minimum speed limit.


Mopeds, tractors etc are not allowed on M-ways as they would not be able to make reasonable progress and would severely hamper the flow of traffic.


That's why idiots get tugged by Plod for not going fast enough on M-ways.


If there are any minimum speed sections of road, they are clearly signposted - and fairly rare. I have only ever seen one, and that was on the A45 at Brackmills, Northampton.

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SEE?? Ye're missin yer true callin, so ye are! Ye could have Tom Cruise on speed dial afore ye know it!!


An' the Police are sexually molestin' folk fer not driving' fast enough on motorways? Holy Cremola Foam!!! ("It's frothy, man!" 8) ) :shock: :shock: :shock:

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There is a sign for a minimum speed limit in the Highway Code although I have not seen one for years. But I hear there are such limits in the Dartford and Mersey Tunnels. In fact here http://www.direct.gov.uk/prod_consum_dg/groups/dg_digitalassets/@dg/@en/documents/digitalasset/dg_185821.pdf is a government site that gives such a limit so they do exist. Vaguely wonder how to keep to a minimum speed if the traffic ahead is stopped.

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