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The need for Shetlink

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Guest Anonymous

As a complete aside, it's quite a unique thing the username; an online representation of ones self.



Just reminded me. Going fishing next weekend. I'll try not to catch a trout. :wink:


I have to admit that I was amused by the fact that The Big Boss didn't use his real name to post that ridiculous rant. :D


(** MOD EDIT **) :wink:

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As far as I am concerned this Shetlink is a complete and utter waste of time and space.


If people haven't got the guts to put their true name to a comment then it is not worth reading.


The Big Boss aka Paul featherstone


Hmm. I could quite easily accept this comment had you given a reason for making it. The fact that you haven't even bothered to state why Shetlink is such a waste of time and space means that:-


a) It is such a waste of time and space that you couldn't string together some coherent thoughts about it




B) You couldn't be "bovvered".


Either way, it doesn't help your case very much.


Shetlink is here to be used and abused as a community tool. If you don't specify a reason why you don't like it then you have no right to be commenting. Everything can be improved on, but only if people put forward thoughts and ideas.


I won't bother going too in depth on the anonymity factor as I think it has already been explained well enough. Sometimes people in Shetland can't put their own name to things as it will result in instant backlash. Sometimes it is better that a person 'in the know' comes forward anonymously and lets the island know about some wrong doing rather than let it stagnate for years before somebody has the guts to put their name behind it.


Lots of reasons for people to use Pseudonyms (even more so online).


Myself? Anybody that knows me well will know me by my "Online Name". Anybody that doesn't would be a fool not to figure out who I am. Ihold no secrets, everything I say I would say anywhere else at any time.


I may never be right but I might be wrong.

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Shetlink has a uniqueness.


As well as being sensibly moderated by Njugle, Fjool, Trout and Pooks who have posted above (and others) it is also moderated in a way that most other internet forums aren't.


You say something offensive, controversial or stupid here, you might have to explain yourself in the Thule, at your granny's or to your wife (no matter what pseudonym you are using).


A 'think before you post filter' that isn't found in the anonymity of many internet forums.

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A 'think before you post filter' that isn't found in the anonymity of many internet forums.


Because other forums don't need it. Like I've said before, I get annoyed when people come on to Shetlink to critisise, insult or run something into the ground without revealing who they are. I've always felt this to be a cowardly thing to do, but I guess its people's right to do it!

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I get annoyed when people come on to Shetlink to critisise, insult or run something into the ground without revealing who they are.


What's in a name?


I cant see why peoples identities affect the relevance of the posts in any way.

I don't have detailed files on people to compare their reputation against what they post with and I can't see what good it would do if I did.

The main use it could provide would be for more personal Ad hominem attacks to be thrown about.


Replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim. The process of proving or disproving the claim is thereby subverted.


I'm sure most people will have their own opinions with them when they're down the pub but if you see someone whose post you didn't like and decide it's a good time to go waggle a righteous finger in their face, you had better know first if they are carrying a righteous right hook or not.


Mods can be quite effective peacekeepers and they wont charge and fine both partys in a dispute or lock you up for the night.


Choose peace, choose Shetlink.

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  • 10 months later...
If people haven't got the guts to put their true name to a comment then it is not worth reading.

Although I prefer to know who people really are, I don't agree with that comment. There is, however, one unfortunate aspect of the whole Avatar obfuscation debate which nobody seems to mention. This is the way that some people begin to believe certain users are particular people. I've heard some real howlers, but the one which seems to crop up again and again is paulb. Ludicrous as it must seem, I have encountered more than a handful of people who think paulb == Paul Bloomer. :shock:

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Interesting topic which I hadn't come across before.


I too am of the view that it is content that matters, as that is how people should truely be judged in thier competence to put forward any given viewpoint.


Indeed, for shetlink, the anonymity factor has, I'm sure, enable more in-depth and accurate debate than would be possible at, for example, a public meeting.


Obviously there is a limit, but the mods make an excellent job of stepping in where objective viewpoints descend into personal attacks. Not an easy job.

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what have i done wrong now.

don't blame me for this chap. nowt to do with me. if i ran a trout hatchery and was opposed to wind farms i would be offended. Ive been trying to behave but i still get moaned at so i will go and sit in a corner.

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Hmmm.... well I sort of agree about the name thing but then also there are times when I wish I had gone for more anonanimity so but I think if you have something to say, you should back it up with your real name so I can argue myself into a corner fairly quickly there!


Having said that, it is not who you are but what you have to say (argueing out of the corner again!) and when I first joined Shetlink a few years back, I thought the atmosphere was quite sharp and argumentative. I think I have evolved or become harder skinned throughout the years or perhaps people have mellowed and come to know me and my ramblings! :)


One important thing - I have made friends with folk and I like that very much. The forum has not changed lately IMHO, or I haven't noticed. People come and go, but it is good platform for the general feelings and views of those interested in Shetland. I also like the fact that not everyone is sitting on these islands giving an opinion, but there are contributions from all over the world.


So, yes there is a need for Shetlink - my need!

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