jeemsie Posted May 15, 2006 Report Share Posted May 15, 2006 Piracy. Anti-Piracy statement at the cinema - "You wouldn't steal a car"...shout from the audience - "I would if I could download it". Another Anti-Piracy statement at the cinema - "Piracy is a crime"...shout from the audience - "YAAAARRRRRR" just quite brilliant, laughing my head aff wi yun :tmbup; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teenie Posted May 16, 2006 Report Share Posted May 16, 2006 Yahs princesses - pashmina wearing, white teethed, bright orange, ignorant little females who talk loudly on their mobiles as they are in the tescoes queue in front of you (buying moet and a bag of salad). The yah princess will continue to talk loudly on the phone ("oh yah, yah, eh-kay, yah, no, no, tilly cant make it tonight for supper, no, no, tarquin got caught sh***ing felicity again...yah...yah...).....THEN she'll spend five minutes searching her purse for daddys plastic (after making the "help" - i.e. checkout person, pack their bag of two items) - and of course this is ALWAYS at five p.m. when you have spent all day in the library and you hit tescoes when each queue is around twenty people deep. The Yah Princess will continue to talk loudly whilst trying to pick up the bl**dy bag and enter her PIN number at the same time....THEN she will spend an extra few minutes discussing the menu for this evenings "supper" (which you know will involve pigeon, vension and swathes of caviar) - at the end of the sodding checkout (ignoring you as you try to begin dealing with the three million items you have to pack up)....because she is soooooo important. She will exit tescoes with a swish of pashmina and air kiss all who come within a five feet radius of her (particularly if they are well connected Euro Trash, a rugger b*gger or a JYA of similarly tanned straightened variety and an "old money" family from the cotton plantations of the US of A....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. (Methinks i have been to long in St Andrews and perhaps, just perhaps are becoming "intolerant" in my old age). Moderators feel free to delete this if you fear you may be sued fir slander....but i had to share that and get it off me chest! PIP PIP! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twerto Posted May 16, 2006 Report Share Posted May 16, 2006 accidently bump quite hard into them.. as they stand a end of checkout and proceed to ignore.. as they stopm off in the huff , if they create a sceane jsut continue packing your bags.. pay and leave them shouting there littel yah yah heads fo at no one Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teenie Posted May 16, 2006 Report Share Posted May 16, 2006 ^^^^ i may try that twerto, will let you ken how that one goes!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JustMe Posted May 16, 2006 Report Share Posted May 16, 2006 teenie wrote THEN she'll spend five minutes searching her purse for daddys plastic (after making the "help" - i.e. checkout person, pack their bag of two items) That trick never worked with me when I was a checkout operator. My "how to be a checkout operator" book said that I should "help" customers to pack their shopping which did, in my opinion, exclude packing for those who were too lazy or stuck up to do their own packing. Hasten to add that I was always helpful to those who needed help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mutopian Posted May 16, 2006 Report Share Posted May 16, 2006 these have reminded me of something else: - the 10 items or less checkout being un-manned at lunchtime Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teenie Posted May 16, 2006 Report Share Posted May 16, 2006 ^^^^^ ARGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH. OR those bleeding self-service checkout things, with the "Please place the item in the bagging area" - most annoying voice in history...please place the item in the bagging area....have you scanned or swiped your club card????? Makes me want to head butt the machine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Styles Posted May 16, 2006 Report Share Posted May 16, 2006 Advertised special deals at places like Sommerfield and when you get there they are all gone! People stopping to speak in supermarkets and blocking all the isles, rabbiting on crap and will make no attempt to let you pass. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mario Posted May 16, 2006 Report Share Posted May 16, 2006 ^^^^^ ARGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH. OR those bleeding self-service checkout things, with the "Please place the item in the bagging area" - most annoying voice in history...please place the item in the bagging area....have you scanned or swiped your club card????? Makes me want to head butt the machine. Spoken like a true St. Andrews student. Been there, done that and totally agree with you on most points. However, during my time there I managed to pick up an almost Fife like accent at times. Nothing better than breaking it out in front of the yahs, they totally hate it. I have to say, if you're gonna get in a shop at the Tesco there, go late - it's almost liveable. Otherwise you're stuck in a massive queue of people, most of which are getting their Tesco's Finest in for the night's dinner party. Then head off to Ma Bells for a white russian.... Yes, certainly in my time @ St. Andrews, yahs were a problem - but I would say no more than my one hate - neds/chavs/schemies. They're gonna be a mainstay of Shetland in the very near future.. and that's really sad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ally Posted May 16, 2006 Report Share Posted May 16, 2006 Yahs princesses - pashmina wearing, white teethed, bright orange, ignorant little females who talk loudly on their mobiles as they are in the tescoes queue in front of you (buying moet and a bag of salad). The yah princess will continue to talk loudly on the phone ("oh yah, yah, eh-kay, yah, no, no, tilly cant make it tonight for supper, no, no, tarquin got caught sh***ing felicity again...yah...yah...).....THEN she'll spend five minutes searching her purse for daddys plastic (after making the "help" - i.e. checkout person, pack their bag of two items) - and of course this is ALWAYS at five p.m. when you have spent all day in the library and you hit tescoes when each queue is around twenty people deep. The Yah Princess will continue to talk loudly whilst trying to pick up the bl**dy bag and enter her PIN number at the same time....THEN she will spend an extra few minutes discussing the menu for this evenings "supper" (which you know will involve pigeon, vension and swathes of caviar) - at the end of the sodding checkout (ignoring you as you try to begin dealing with the three million items you have to pack up)....because she is soooooo important. She will exit tescoes with a swish of pashmina and air kiss all who come within a five feet radius of her (particularly if they are well connected Euro Trash, a rugger b*gger or a JYA of similarly tanned straightened variety and an "old money" family from the cotton plantations of the US of A....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. (Methinks i have been to long in St Andrews and perhaps, just perhaps are becoming "intolerant" in my old age). Moderators feel free to delete this if you fear you may be sued fir slander....but i had to share that and get it off me chest! PIP PIP! Ask your self this though - what is it that annoys you the most? Is the fact that they are obnoxious, super-privileged toffs who have had everything given to them on a silver plate since an early age, and whom will no doubt go on to earn much, much more than you or I - not because they're any brighter, but because they expect it and have the self-assured public-school instilled confidence that’ll make it happen (with a little help from father, naturally). OR is your annoyance more to do with the uncomfortable realisation that deep, deep down in your soul you actually want to be like them - to have what they have and be part of that exclusive scene that transcends even the frivolous and vacuous culture of celebrity in terms of lifestyle? Weekends in Monaco, wintering in Venice with a few of your old public school chums and doing whatever you like, for the rest of your life. Personally I've always rallied against the posh kids, taking the piss when possible and sneering at their ridiculously loud public guffawing in pubs like The Pear tree on a summer’s day, or in some of the more exclusive George St bars. And yet… watching a prince-William clone pull up with his bevy of equally posh (and tall) rich girls in his Porsche on Marchmont Rd the other day, I realised the truth. For all my rallying against fox hunting and the upper-class, I’m really just jealous of the effortless, privileged and ultimately impenetrable lifestyle these people enjoy. The boobalubes are happy, and why shouldn’t they? We no longer live in a 3-tier society in the traditional sense ie the upper, middle and lower classes. These days it’s just the privileged (who we’ve just been talking about) the trash (heat magazine reading, binge-drinking parasites) and the rest of us, who consume, holiday once a year, pay our taxes and if we’re very lucky end up with an ok house in an ok town/city and utterly fail to realise any of the dreams we had when we were younger... And on that note I’m away to stick my head in an oven. Peace out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Njugle Posted May 16, 2006 Report Share Posted May 16, 2006 8O Flaming nora Ally! Can i mix and match please? Money, gals, porsche, effortlessness, with aspiration, grounding and ethics. Or is there room for two in that oven! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ally Posted May 16, 2006 Report Share Posted May 16, 2006 my one hate - neds/chavs/schemies. They're gonna be a mainstay of Shetland in the very near future.. and that's really sad. I think that happeened some time ago, my friend. Perhaps a leisurely stroll around hoofields is in order! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Njugle Posted May 16, 2006 Report Share Posted May 16, 2006 my one hate - neds/chavs/schemies. They're gonna be a mainstay of Shetland in the very near future.. and that's really sad. I think that happeened some time ago, my friend. Perhaps a leisurely stroll around hoofields is in order! Don't do it! it's not worth the risk, stay in the car, and lock the doors! Also seen in "Greater Hoofields", aka Lerwick Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ally Posted May 16, 2006 Report Share Posted May 16, 2006 8O Flaming nora Ally! Can i mix and match please? Money, gals, porsche, effortlessness, with aspiration, grounding and ethics. Or is there room for two in that oven! There's always room in the oven Yeah, hungover and had too much coffee this morning - thought I'd vent for a bit. You can, I suppose, have grounding and ethics even if you are a super rich toff... but you'll be in a minority! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teenie Posted May 17, 2006 Report Share Posted May 17, 2006 "OR is your annoyance more to do with the uncomfortable realisation that deep, deep down in your soul you actually want to be like them - to have what they have and be part of that exclusive scene that transcends even the frivolous and vacuous culture of celebrity in terms of lifestyle? Weekends in Monaco, wintering in Venice with a few of your old public school chums and doing whatever you like, for the rest of your life. " - Well Ally, i get what you say, but my annoyance is in regards to their rudeness. Rich, oh yeah, they are, and i have spent four years watching them ski during reading week, pop off to California after exams, whizz down to the country estate whenever they feel like it, phone daddy for an extra four hundred quid to buy a new ball gown etc etc etc - and this isna really what bugs me. I dunna really care about the money, as long as i have enough to put a roof over me head and go on holiday occassionally i will prevail...what DOES bug the living deevil oota me is there distinct and total lack of manners - (AND the fact they call anyone with even a hint of a Socttish accent a "Ned" - had a great argument regarding this fact with one of the rugby lads in a pub one night, whereupon i offered to take him to Kirkton or Mid in Dundee and let him see firsthand what a real Ned is) I know some exceedingly posh totty, and what separates them from the rest of the ignorant little cretins is the fact they are well brought up. One of me best male pals went to Eton, and by all accounts has led a charmed and privaleged life - but he KNOWS manners. He has time for people, and that's what counts. Also i have found time and time again during my forays into having to live round the "upper" (nutter) classes that they ain't happy Ally. Not really, a large part of them were whacked into boarding school at a hideously young age (e.g. 5/6 years old), they saw their parents at holidays and were the fashionable accessories to the latest Prada outfit. They spent their lives having money chucked at them, and being dragged around the international "sets" estates, mansions and mountain villas...spending more time with the Nanny and the "help" then their own blood. On the face of it, they are "happy" but deep down they are miserable, they lead a shallow meaningless vacuous life, and all they are set to do is breed the next generation of money making / keeping machines. They must marry into money, or at least keep their own. I had a conversation we one of these privaleged kids last week, and she was so excited at the fact her mum and dad were flying in for a night - one night - to spend some "quality time" with her - it was the first time she would have spoken to them properly in around four months. I would not swap all the money in the universe, all the privalages of that lifestyle, for the experiences of my own childhood. They can keep their money Ally baby, they can wallow at the highest end of society till the end of time and i would not once, ever, wish to be in their shoes - for they have no real life. Oh they will make more money in one week then i could ever hope to scrape in three months of slogging me guts oot, but they dont know happiness honey, and that my little love, is why i will never EVER deep down in my soul wish to be like them. Okkkkkkkay, it is I who have had too much coffee today! I realise i may get ripped apart for making points which could, at best, be termed sweeping generalisations. But I only comment on my own experience of knowing those who shake it with the "jet set". Jeez to have a herbal tea and try and deal with the jitters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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