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Annoying but trivial things - Room 101 stuff

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I've been driven to start this thread by the woman sitting next to me in the library who is loudly eating crisps :evil: And typing on her laptop like she's a Shire horse




Annoying things on public transport


Mobile phones :evil: Yes, I and everyone else sitting anywhere near you know you're on the train, and we don't give a frig if you're running 5 minutes late. Send a ****in text, or speak quietly.


Incredibly loud personnal stereos. Grrr (this mainly annoys me because I'm always trying to figure out what they're listening to with only the hi-hats for a clue)




Now for the two things that really boil my p***


Litter - I believe that litter dropping is the most concentrated form of ignorance know to mankind. I can't write any more or I won't be able to stop......


Umbrellas - Wear sensible clothes if its raining, and don't take up 4 times more than your share of the pavement. I've twice been cut in the face by umbrellas. I feel a small sense of victory when I see umbrellas which have been blown inside-out hanging out of bins after a windy day.


Oh no, the woman next to me in the library has started talking on her mobile :x I'm off for a fag.........


I wonder if i shout and swear enough on this thread that it will be 'locked' so that no more nonsense is written on it.......... ;-)

p.s. smily faces make everything ok!



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The moronic swine who park on the pier every night in their badly pimped-up cars, incessantly beeping their horns at each other as if trying to communicate in some drunken, retarded attempt at Morse code. A pox on them all!

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The moronic swine who park on the pier every night in their badly pimped-up cars, incessantly beeping their horns at each other as if trying to communicate in some drunken, retarded attempt at Morse code. A pox on them all!


have you never done this? (I havent just so you know)

maybe they only do it there these days because going round and round the town in circles costs too much in fuel these days! :-D


oh and that bugs me too...thats my excuse for never leaving the house and going to socialise.... honest!

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Actually, on "People who look like they are leaning backwards when they walk" the people I am thinking of are perfectly respectable and grown up, not da yout’. Two of them work in the same company as me, inveigling themselves into normal society, some I’ve seen out and about in town and you wouldn’t bat an eye at them until you see them walk. Still not quite sure of the mechanics of it. Still not sure if they are actually leaning back a bit, or just give the illusion of leaning backwards as they perambulate along. Their heads don’t seem to go up and down too much so I have wondered if they are sliding their feet forward along the ground, much like a military slow march, but it certainly doesn’t appear so. In private moments I have tried to reproduce the walk, it’s very uncomfortable and far from an efficient way to progress. Irks me every time I see it.

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With you on the bank hatred. They are, without exception, my biggest pet hate.


12p overdrawn? That'll be a £20 fine. Oops! you've got a direct debit that's come out 10 mins before your pay comes in -that's a £20 fine. Here's a letter to tell you about it. That's £20. Oh look! our charges have put you overdrawn! that's means a charge, plus the charge for not having enough funds in your account to cover the charge - that means another charge!!



That happened to me, and I went to the bank and complained, and they gave me 60 quid back, cos they KNEW they were taking the piss!

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