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Should I live in Brae


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why brae. its ok but there are better areas.


Paulb, you can't leave it at that! Where would you pick?

why westerskeld of course everything is wonderful. the community is strong and friendly. the same can be said of most places in shetland. its just brae is not scenic. and is over developed

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If working from home means a lot of internet use check the speeds available in whatever part of Brae you are thinking of.........probably "up to 8 meg" but do check.


Thanks, JustMe. I have been using a site called www.samknows.com to check out the broadband. If you put in various phone numbers, say, along the Muckle Roe road, then you can see how the speed deteriorates as you get further out. Another good thing about the site is that it tells you, exchange by exchange, what is available and what the upgrade plans are. (Don't hold your breath!)

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I agree with Crofter..if it is at all practicable, I would suggest renting a home at first. Moving to Shetland is a big step, without the added pressure of having to find your dream house first. Private rents in Lerwick are horrific, but further afield they seem to settle at around £400 pcm (and maybe you could even cut a deal as you will be here in the winter months) and thankfully living in the sticks does not necessarily mean compromising your broadband speed :-)


Whatever you decide to do, good luck with the move.

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Brae has more facilities than most small towns in Shetland, Hotel (Tatty but serviceable) Two bars, Post office, Mini-market (Co-op), Two garages, Indian takeaway, Health center, Swimming pool with fitness suite and quite soon a chip shop (poss to double up as a Chinese takeaway).

Yes the bus service is crap and the place looks run down (mainly due to the "Unkempt" exterior of the hotel, but it is a friendly place with a good sense of community.


Personally speaking though I like where we live (just 9 miles further on) :D

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^^^I'll warn you though - the Brae Garage charges you for use of its cash machine.

^ If that's not a good reason to keep going right going through the place and stop somewhere else i'll eat my supper.:razz:



(so does the one at Bolts, the one in Scalloway, no doubt various others :wink: )


Bus service isn't too bad apart for the late night request.


Late opening shops/petrol pumps


Indian is good, boating club is pretty active. Mid-Brae is a good pub&eatery, Busta for special occasions, Northmavine just a mile or two up the road, what more could you want.......well, apart from a better view perhaps. And some paint.

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