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Where is the best place to live?


Which is best: town or country?  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is best: town or country?

    • Town
    • Country

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I was always somewhat mystified as to why so many of my fellow isles schoolmates decided to stay in Lerwick after we left the AHS and hostel and I have always been of the mind that if I wanted to live in a town (as I do now) that I would pick somewhere a bit more vibrant and forward looking than Lerwick. I often find it has a bit of a big fish in a small tank feel about it and some of its inhabitants talking it up as a major metropolis with big city problems to match often leaves me bemused.


Having said all that, I don't think its a bad place comparitively speaking. Its a bonny enough toon (in the centre at least) without the levels of crime, unemployment and dereliction found in similarly sized places in the central belt and has some impressive old buildings, a busy and interesting harbour, some good independent shops and good community facilities for a place its size - and I'm yet to find better fish and chips anywhere else.


But to answer the question, if I was going to return to Shetland it would be the country for me.

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I'm fairly evenly split time-wise between living in Lerwick and living in 'da country'.


Country has it hands down. Yes, its a bit more inconvenient to get your helly airrants and having a night out means a bit more expense at the end of the night - but I know all my neighbours and they'd all be there to help if I needed it, the small schools are just fantastic, better scenery and more places to walk - it's just better.


Having said that - I would imagine a teen or 20's bod much preferring to be in town (if not somewhere farther afield) for the social life...

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Well, i voted country for two reasons.


I have a young family, and because of the transport links.


I life in Firth, which means i have direct access to Lerwick virtually anytime by public transport, and also the North Isles where i grew up/family is.


I've lived in Lerwick and Scalloway, but soon realised after moving here that neither were actually as convenient as one may imagine. In fact i found both very tedious and, frankly, boring. (Mareel may change that)


Freedom and community spirit mean everything in my opinion, and thats not to say LK and SCWY don't have that, but it's not the same. Nothing to do with the people, they're aa fine, entirely the geography.

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