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sea angling


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Guest Anonymous

Not sure there too many sea angling gurus on Shetlink. (No doubt I'll be corrected on that :wink:)

Since your location is given as Scalloway, you could do worse than stop in to the Scalloway Boating Club for a shandy, and ask some of the guys there.

It's not so much a case of bait and tackle, as knowing where to go. So if you could find a local prepared to part with such info, perhaps after lubricating his tonsils with a beer, that would be a good start.

It would be worth trying to get somebody with local knowledge to take you out in their boat, that way you get to see the locations and what tackle and bait works best.

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The Scalloway Boating Club has an active sea angling section and this year's Viking Festival will again be held there on the 4th, 5th and 6th of

September. Hanging out at the Boating Club you should meet any number of sea anglers.


Details of the Viking Festival are here



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