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Shetland - Sunniest place in Britain this month.


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yay global warming. planting my coconut plantation. i hope to fund it from a grant. i hear the sic will need to go on some fact finding trips to the tropics to see how we can cope with these changing climate conditions.


my mum and mum in law spent two weeks up here this summer bright sunshine all the time. while in manchester rain and flooding. he he he. and they thought we were mad coming up to these islands.

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Guest Anonymous

I was amused to hear the Shetland sunshine being discussed on Sky News tonight. Although they did apportion some of the reason to the fact that Shetland has longer days than the rest of the UK, and hence more chance of sun.


Being nearly 3 degrees further north than Shetland could therefore partly explain why I've been cursing for too much sunshine, and sunburn, recently.

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Well I came here expecting wind and damp and wind and rain and a bit of wind and sun if I was lucky. Since I got here (mid-May) it has been sunny and warm, and sunny with a bit of wind, and sunny with a mingled in but nothing to worry about shower or two, and sunny with a gale bashing around the place. But really, this summer has been lovely here. There has been an occasional windier and wetter patch, but nothing too long lasting. I have been amazed. Tho I've not shared this with my folks doon sooth, they might all start rushing up here. And peace and quiet away from family intrigue is one of the reasons I came here...so I wish the newspapers would keep a lid on all this lovely weather.

I have totally enjoyed kicking around the place, its been a really lovely adventure!

And I look forward to the raw winter gales when they come (well I say that now......).


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Well I came here expecting wind and damp and wind and rain and a bit of wind and sun if I was lucky. Since I got here (mid-May) it has been sunny and warm, and sunny with a bit of wind, and sunny with a mingled in but nothing to worry about shower or two, and sunny with a gale bashing around the place. But really, this summer has been lovely here. There has been an occasional windier and wetter patch, but nothing too long lasting. I have been amazed. Tho I've not shared this with my folks doon sooth, they might all start rushing up here. And peace and quiet away from family intrigue is one of the reasons I came here...so I wish the newspapers would keep a lid on all this lovely weather.

I have totally enjoyed kicking around the place, its been a really lovely adventure!

And I look forward to the raw winter gales when they come (well I say that now......).


you will regret wanting those gales. rain like bullets is not fun

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Rain like bullets are the crofters best friend :lol: Keeps you company whilst carrying hay round the parks.

The 'interesting' bit is when you walk out of the lee of the byre and a force 9/10 hits you square in the face and completely takes your breath away...one pace back, quick gulp of air and make a run for it!

Have you ever noticed that the family always look so warm and smug whilst waving out the window when you are enjoying yourself with the weather?

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