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Fiddle Tutors


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Sandwick, thursday nights with Eunice Henderson but its for total newcomers to fiddle playing.



Jim and Bernadette both have night classes running but up the north end i think, if i remember rightly, one is doing beginners and the other intermediate ?


But all are at night and if you can only pop over and have to use buses, travel at night is a bit of a pain.



Somebody must teach in the lerwick area, its just a case of finding them !




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I might be wrong but I thought Shetland Arts kept a list of tutors and what they teach. Try them on Monday 01595 743843 - I'm sure they will be able to help. :D


Hopefully we can help! We can't give out private teachers contacts without their permission, but give us a ring on the number oddtablet posted above (01595 743843) or email me (bryan.peterson @ shetlandarts.org) and we should be able to put you in touch with a tutor


As fairislefaerie mentioned, there's a range of music nightclasses running this year inc. guitar and fiddle in Unst, fiddle in Whiteness, guitar in Skerries, African & Latin drumming in Scalloway, piano, guitar, lyric writing and music technology in Lerwick, and fiddle in Sandwick. The application deadline was Friday but I spoke to Adult Learning (who administer the night classes) today and they said there are still places left on some of the courses. Give them a call on 01595 743 888


..and ask the relevant music departments about the current availability of instrumental tuition for pupils in your area

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