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Why oh why (do people vandalise things)???


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Well, I'm not gunna put the exact carpark coz my user name gives enough away without giving away where I live as well...I may sound a bit paranoid here but can't be too careful!!


Suffice to say I live very close to commercial street so I think the drunk assumption is fair...well I hope so in a way, the thought of someone soberly deciding to vandalise someone elses property is worse!


But the whole "toonie" thing, well I'm not from Lerwick (though I live here) so I can't directly be offended but I do think that it is often assumed that "toonie kids in hoodies" are to blame for a hell of a lot when I have witnessed men in their 30s from far out of town causing just as much trouble...don't get me started on the women in their 50s either!!


I think there are people from all areas and all walks of life who do some pretty stupid things...so who knows who did it. But whoever it was would be hard pushed to get any nice words out of my mouth about them!



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true. its just that lerwick is the big town! so it has

1. more idiots ratio of idiots stays the same just more of them.

2. the main shal we say places of entertainment.


it is very much worthwhile it gives the police an excuse to start bothering those younger(mainly) asbo waiting persons on.


it can show that there is an on going problem in the area and they can deploy there resorces to deal with it.


plus if they do catch the young ladies or gentlemen who did it. they could be spooked out of doing anything worse. its true they wont get hung but a fine wont be fun either.

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Whereabouts is it you stay?


People up here tend to be heavily reliant on their cars so that'll probably explain the high insurance.


yeah theres probably higher percentage of accidents per car on the road since so many people are in them numerous times a day.


i didnt even use a car down south because i could walk everywhere i needed to go (including the supermarket)


I'm the same! During my first two years at uni I lived in the halls which are right in the city centre, and the area I now live in is also quite central so I don't usually need transport. The only exception was when my flatmate and I moved in, and her boyfriend drove us to the Parkhead Forge to get stuff for the flat. Up here it's different - I'm heavily reliant on buses.

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Well, I'm not gunna put the exact carpark coz my user name gives enough away without giving away where I live as well...I may sound a bit paranoid here but can't be too careful!!


Suffice to say I live very close to commercial street so I think the drunk assumption is fair...well I hope so in a way, the thought of someone soberly deciding to vandalise someone elses property is worse!


But the whole "toonie" thing, well I'm not from Lerwick (though I live here) so I can't directly be offended but I do think that it is often assumed that "toonie kids in hoodies" are to blame for a hell of a lot when I have witnessed men in their 30s from far out of town causing just as much trouble...don't get me started on the women in their 50s either!!


I think there are people from all areas and all walks of life who do some pretty stupid things...so who knows who did it. But whoever it was would be hard pushed to get any nice words out of my mouth about them!




Totally agree!


Seriously though, why do young bairns get such a bum rap?! We were all young once, we've all done stupid things in our lives. Admittedly this was a very stupid thing but can you be so presumptious as to blame it on teenagers?


And besides, 'hoodies' aren't just confined to the toon, I know plenty who live in the rural areas.

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They could've been people from any part of shetland, drunk or not.


I agree, they could also have been aliens from space, a pack of illegal immigrants, or a marauding wave of demented crofters from mid-yell, although unlikely :lol:


'Unlikely' doesn't stand up in court ;). Facts here.

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its probably a group of toonie bairnes, wandering around at night bored out of their minds and probably half baked on buckfast.


Quite a mighty assumption there:


- Lerwick residents

- Younger residents

- Wandering around

- Bored

- Drunk


They could've been people from any part of shetland, drunk or not.


In my younger days I had the old argument that all men under the age of 75 should be curfewed to decrease the street crime levels, until of course the beat bobby for the the spital (old aberdeen) pointed out the most recent spate of vandalism was an elderly gentleman (I believe he was in he's eighties) who had taken to smashing wing mirrors and keying the paint work of cars parked along spital/collage bounds

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Guest Anonymous
They could've been people from any part of shetland, drunk or not.


I agree, they could also have been aliens from space, a pack of illegal immigrants, or a marauding wave of demented crofters from mid-yell, although unlikely :lol:


'Unlikely' doesn't stand up in court ;). Facts here.


But it's a nice theory.. :lol:


It could have bee Trows of course.. Would that/they stand up in court? :wink:

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