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BB guns


lets ban bb guns  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. lets ban bb guns

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I think we can safely say that bans on firearms don't stop people using firearms illegally. And before people start shouting well ban every firearm, I will point you to the fact that at present there are many blanket bans on certain types of firearms in this country and people are still getting access to them and using them to commit crime.

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Why o' why do people keep wanting to ban things, its very short sighted. I can not understand people who want to hand over our freedom to the state, its like a turkey voting for Christmas.


The person misusing the firearm should be delt a very harsh sentence. They will probably let him of lightly as always with a slap on the wrist, and use it as an example to try and impinge more control over us via a ban of some sort, typical wishy-washy slimy lefty thinking, he should be sent to prison. The law abiding people using BB guns should not be punished for this idiots crime. We should have the right to hold any arms we want, provided we are sane and intend to cause no harm to others.

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^ I think it's because 'ban stuff' is perceived as the easy solution. It doesn't require much though and has a superficially satisfying appeal. Remove the thing we are scared off... if it saves even one life, etc. :roll:


Usually, though, the people who call for stuff to be banned object very strongly when it is something that they are fond of under scrutiny.


It is a hypocrite's legislation.


Getting back to BB guns, however, perhaps those in favour of banning BB guns feel that this idea be extended to catapults, paintball markers, archery equipment, etc? Or just this very narrow example which has hit the news recently?


(Edit: stray comma)

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ok lets clear a few things up. i posted his thread as a response to a suggestion on another thread.

as an air gun owner and soon a .22 rifle owner i have no problem with people owning firearms in whatever form they take. i have no problem with the proper use of firearms whever that is hunting/target/pest control.

what i do have a problem with is bb produced to resemble real firearms. i have a problem with the open sale of them in some shops.

if a bb gun does have a purpose it should be treated like any other airweapon. not allowed to be desplayed. the sale should be with proof of age and address. the suggestion that they are an armless toy is wrong. they are guns even if they are very weak ones and as such should be treated with respect.

im not wanting to ban everthing as a mod suggested. im just very worried when there are two airweapon offences in a week. the idiots with the bb gun have been delt with in another thread. the other is not as bad but he should have lost his gun and maybe have been banned from holding one. he did not seem to have been worried that he scared people.

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Thank you for coming back and clarifying your position, paulb. If I understand correctly, then, you are calling for tighter regulation, not an outright ban?


If so, then I agree with you that proper controls should be in place. Age restrictions and so forth are a good measure to improve the responsibility of owners and, by extension, users.


There will always be idiots and, when idiots abuse the privileges afforded them by society, they should be handled accordingly.

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i have no problem with the proper use of firearms whever that is hunting/target/pest control.


You missed out 'maiming and killing people' (unless that comes under pest control).

Not being pedantic but, what is the 'proper' use of firearms?

As far as I can figure out, the only purpose of a weapon is to injure or kill. It doesn't matter much which type of animal is selected as a target. The intent is always the same.

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Some 'weapons' are only used for shooting inanimate targets though. Archery is a valid sport, but dangerous in the wrong hands, or when used without proper precautions. Same for paint-ball.


There's nothing wrong with a pistol used in a shooting gallery. It's quite something else to take that same item out into public and point it at people. The fault in the second scenario lies not with the weapon, but with the wielder surely?

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