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Financial Meltdown

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On the other hand, Alex is in a fairly good position to represent his Banff & Buchan constituents, what with being First Minister.


as first minister that is not his job, as a msp for B&B it is, are you saying he is incapable of seperating the two?

with your intimate knowledge of uncle eck are you saying that is his position?


as for the rest of your post that is nothing more than a PR exercise, with £300 quid a day for pies at westminster, his msp salary is small change.


£46.38p a day, actually, fur pies. £1,391.50 divided by 30.



I am curious - does du think a MP's should not be allowed ta aet whin in London? Or dat bidin in a cheapo rented flat as AS does is extravagant?

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No problems with eating but why do they need an allowance to do it. Most people pay for their food themselves out of their wages. Why can't they.

I can understand them needing help with accomidation after all they do need to stay in London. I can also understand them having help with office and transport cost. But they do have enough money to feed themselves.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Scotsman reporting. Yeah, I know! *cough* .. just above toilet paper ... but the headlines are quite condemning. Periphery EU economy feeling serious pressure .... so in that direction... how shored up is the supposed middle? *hmm ponders*


Leading economist warns Scotland to prepare for £35bn in budget cuts


right next to:


Greek debt even worse than feared as credit rating is cut


*oh look there's another party political broadcast popping through my letterbox .. wha tae believe dat life's joost braw ?! :? *cough spu*

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Scotsman reporting. Yeah, I know! *cough* .. just above toilet paper ... but the headlines are quite condemning. Periphery EU economy feeling serious pressure .... so in that direction... how shored up is the supposed middle? *hmm ponders*


*oh look there's another party political broadcast popping through my letterbox .. wha tae believe dat life's joost braw ?! :? *cough spu*


To be fair we're not in as bad a position as Greece. It's not pretty by any means but a long way to go to get as bad as Greece.


I read a piece on why the Eurozone was prepared to bail them out. Apparently most of the Greek debt is owned by banks within the Eurozone. It's basically a choice of bail out Greece or further bail out their banks when Greece defaults on bond payments.


Greek bond prices have gone through the roof so I don't see how they can avoid having to call in the money promised to them by Euro countries/IMF.




Usually quite an interesting read. Some good summaries of the situation further back through it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A prediction made here on the violent backlash that would occur in greece due to E.U. economic policy and monetery union. And so far three bankworkers are dead.

After about a minute and a half into the clip.


Although it must be said that Greece's abuse of the public purse has been staggering , it makes the S.I.C look professionally prudent.

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