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Financial Meltdown

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The Ukraine and Hungary have already been bailed out. Is Britain going to be the next country to go with a begging bowl to the IMF?


Prices of imported goods are likely to soar with the falling pound. Good news for exports but unfortunately the global scale of the situation will negate the one possible plus point.


Hopefully we'll begin to see an increase in people buying/selling locally produced goods instead of shipping products half way round the world to be processed.

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^^^^ When the alternatives the tories, can you blame them? ^^^^


I assume you think i'm a conservative voter :lol: well I would not vote, nor ever have voted for any of the current political UK parties, and Yes I would blame them had they been in power and had let the same circumstances occur. Do you think the Tories would have let the boom run on so long, leading to this same disaster we face now?

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Read this and weep :shock:




Labour has well and truly led us up the stinkycreek


That's scary! Problem is, after all the destruction that they've caused this country, people just keep on voting for them :cry:


Bear in mind at da press is heavily biased towards Liebour. Da Kirsty Wark syndrome. Atho not a Tory, I tink da Mad Thatch (we are a grandmother!") did not get a fair hearing in Scotland.

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