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I'll be interested to see how older Mac apps run with this Rosetta interface. I might see if I can get the work to buy an Intel Mac and then try running an old version of Final Cut or something equally intensive on it, see how it manages :wink:


Anybody actually tried one yet?

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Has anyone tried BootCamp yet?


I have only got Panther so its not an option for me.


The GF asks me everyday if the G5 has been upgraded to Intel processors yet. Its worse than the kiddy in the back seat asking "are we there yet" :wink: :roll:


She uses a PC though so I can understand her frustration!


I was going to buy Tiger but I might as well wait for 10.5. I wonder what it will be called .....

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10.5 will be called Leopard.


A version will be shown at the Apple Developers Conference in June so expect it to be in the shops around Oct or Nov.


Of course Apple have introduced a twice yearly subscription model which Microft were lambasted for a while back. But then Microsoft seem unable to get the next generation operating system out the door.


With rumours starting about Mac OS 10.5 being able to run Windows apps natively in the OS the reason to switch becomes stronger.


Here is an interesting link




Always thought Google would be a cool place to work but this would do me.

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does any one have a apple mighty mouse?

I love it but the scroll down stopped working - left, right and up all work fine though. its right pain in the ass! i guess its just dirt but like any apple device you cant open it up to clean it without breaking it, unless there is a way does anyone know?

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does any one have a apple mighty mouse?

I love it but the scroll down stopped working - left, right and up all work fine though. its right pain in the ass! i guess its just dirt but like any apple device you cant open it up to clean it without breaking it, unless there is a way does anyone know?


Look here http://www.applematters.com/index.php/gallery/category/C4/

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ah cheers mate, will give that a go later.


Mabey not....


I've just been looking around and ive found people saying they cant get it back together after they crack it apart.

Alot of other people get it to work by pressing down and rotating the ball to clean the dirt but that doesnt work for me.

Mabey i'll just have to put up with it and use the scroll bars like in the olden days. gosh.

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I always buy Macs which are a year or two out of date, because professional Mac users are inclined to buy every new model that comes out, meaning you can pick up a few bargains. It might be worth waiting till the portable G5 range comes out, then get a cheap G4 i/power book. People have been waiting for ages (a couple of years) for a new generation of portable Macs to come out, so prices for older models will go through the floor.

Any idea when the new G5's are due out? They're maybe out already? I've been keeping my eye on eBay fir portable macs, but the price has really been fairly steady. I've been lookin at the 14/15" screen models mainly, preferably with a 'superdrive'.

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I wis thinkin more o gettin an aulder een when the new eens come oot, that way, as bryan said, it'll be much cheaper. I'm not convinced by the new range of intel macs. Apperently a lot of the older software won't run on them at all, and some of the newer software is as slow as hell because it's run under emulation. Anybody keen anything aboot this? Have I been told a load o crap? I'll have tae go fir noo.... headin oot tae da folk festival.

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If anyone's got mac questions I'd be happy to help.

We also have a demo Intel iMac in the shop if anyone wants a play!!

contact me at shetlandmac@mac.com


My New Year's resolution was to get to the Shetland Mac shop. So far I have failed dismally :cry:


I want a Nano or an iPod.

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