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New category?


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Hi Bubi, can you be more specific as to what the category would contain? Just so we can think about it. One or two threads on wildlife could go into 'Anything and everything'. If there were going to be a large number we would consider a new category.

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Yes, I want to open a thread on where to watch seals and otters. I am aware that there is a "lonely" botany thread somewhere too. In general nature is a significant part of Shetland; I miss the category. What about tellling of great walks, one has done and inspire somebody else to a nice nature experience? Shetlink would be great to ask ? about botany or birds too.

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Hi Bubi,


Although somewhat quiet at the moment, the Northmavine forum has prolific threads on wildlife including lots of photos of birds, animals, etc.


There were some interesting shots posted recently of a stoat catching a rabbit in the middle of the road then running off when a car came.



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