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Classifieds issues


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My apologies clicking the X works but if you have been on Shetlink for a while this is an onerous task to keep going into something live to pick up your last listing then go to "see all adds by old fart or ?" and then click the X


Can we not just phase them out & off the site after a month or so???

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You can delete your old classified adverts yourself.


Click onto one of your own adverts, click the "find all adds by ..." and look for the X beside the edit button, click the X and your post will vanish into thin air.


edit, oops, slow typer, been beaten to it.


This is fine if you can find one of your own adverts to work it out from, not much use if you can't.


For example I've had two or three ads on here in the past, I have no idea if any of them are still live or not. I've just tried to find them, but its all but impossible, as I've not had anything on lately which is easily found to work it out from, I have no idea when those earlier ads were placed nor can remember with any accuracy what they were for, so don't have an approx date or keyword to work around. Leaving the only possible alternative as working through all 78 pages in the Classifieds each of which have something like 210 ads per page..... There's a "Find all posts by..." link in your profile, perhaps copying the "Find all ads by...." link thats on everybody's ads in to their profile might help encourage folk to check what they have thats still live, and update it more frequently.


Yup, I know, folk that might be able to create such things need to make a living elsewhere, but if there was some quick and easy way of copying that button in to everyone's profile, it might be a case of a few minutes invested in just that could lead to making the Classifieds section run much more slickly thereafter.

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Well I never thought I was a loner. But seriously there are some basic changes needed here to facilitate a clear operational modus. I believe there should be no restriction on the number of items ordinary folk list.


There should be a cut off time when all classifieds are dumped sold or otherwise. There should be a better way to re-list stuff that didn't sell after a given time that goes on top of the listings as per a new classified etc.


Tweak the system to remove oddities, resolve complaints & you get less stress lol

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There is a "Search Classifieds" feature that you can find all your adds by typing in your your username to filter the results. I found GR's 3 posts in 10 seconds using it.


I do know what you mean it can be a pain having to keep searching for your own adds, as you don't get automaticly returned to the page listing all your adverts after you have deleted one of you adds, you end up back to the top of page 1.

What I do is delete the advert and then hit the "back" button 3 times to get back to the page listing all my adds, where I can start over again.


Auto pruning after 30 days is the way to go, as that would remove 68 pages of spent adverts from the database instantly.

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There is a "Search Classifieds" feature that you can find all your adds by typing in your your username to filter the results. I found GR's 3 posts in 10 seconds using it.


Until 5 seconds ago I never knew such a feature existed, and its not been for the want of looking previously. The number of times I've wanted to search the ads, and could have really used it, but instead ended up doing a general keyword search, which more ofthen than not proved useless, are countless. I guess I'm getting blind in my old age. :oops:


That said, I never have used the menu at the top left side unless to reply to PM's, which have their own special message there, so I've probably never read what's else is on it until now. :oops: I tend to use the search at top right, so wasn't expecting to find any other kind of search elsewhere on the same pages it comes up on, and I don't use anything else the links on that menu are for.

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Ok, hilight the below text and try dragging this to your browser toolbar:


javascript:var user = prompt('User to find adverts for:'); top.document.location='http://www.shetlink.com/classifieds/ads_search.php?search_name=' + user


With any luck it will create an icon which you can click, whereupon it'll ask for the user you're interested in.


Best I can do right now. I don't have access to the site code, so this isn't something I can integrate myself.

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  • 6 months later...
Guest posiedon

If I have say.....A car to sell, I look up the value in Parkers price guide and price it accordingly, why is it that some folk think they can get a valuation on a house and then ask for "highest offer over valuation" What kind of idiot do they think is going to pay more than the valuation fee?

What's the point of them

(the seller) paying for a valuation in the first place?

If you want to auction a property put it in the hands of an auction house, if not put a frickin price on it!

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