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Reestit mutton tattie soup recipe

Guest perrie-lipper

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  • 3 months later...

My midder-in-law makes the best reestit mutton soup I have ever tasted. She soaks the meat in cold water for a while, then discards the "soak" water before boiling the meat in fresh water. This way the salt content is reduced a little, but the "goodness" isn't.


Oddly enough she adds a little celery sometimes as well, for extra flavour. I'm not a particular fan of celery, and I'm sure adding celery isn't an old traditional Shetland thing, but as I say her soup is absolutely fantastic. I couldn't find any overt evidence of celery and I wouldn't have known it was in there if she hadn't told me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm not a particular fan of celery, and I'm sure adding celery isn't an old traditional Shetland thing, but as I say her soup is absolutely fantastic. I couldn't find any overt evidence of celery and I wouldn't have known it was in there if she hadn't told me.


Well I've had to change my recipe for my mates doon here because most o them seem to have an aversion to neep or carrotts - strange lot.

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  • 1 year later...

I've just put a.. er.. rib section of a lamb into the oven. I'm not entirely sure how much meat is actually on it, so I thought the best way to stretch it would be to make some soup. I've loads of potatoes, one onion, one leek and some swedes. Anyone have a tried and tested tattie soup recipe I might be able to make?

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normaly carrots no swede, but I'm sure you won't mind ;)


boil up da meat (to mak da bru)

peel all da veg and quarter da tatties

grate da onion and veg

mix with all the bru, season to taste and boil till cooked :)

easy as...


I normaly take da meat out of the pot and remove bones and fat den put meat back once da veg is cooked


same recipie for reesit mutton just boil da mutton twice(dump da first bru as it's waaaay salty)

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Tattie soup I make is

Boil a bit of mutton, add salt and pepper when meat is leaving the bone take meat out. Peel and roughly cut tatties add to pot. Cut up carrots neeps and onions add to pot. Add any stock you might have in cupboard 2 cubes of beef or veg or lamb. Leave till veg is well cooked then add in a grated carrot and chopped leak and if you have a packet of dried veg add that and season. Add in any meat from bones and simmer for about half hour then if any left you can eat it. I like to taste as I go :oops:

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