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bark bark bark

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mhuch take a chill pill. you have issues with a poster. maybe walk the other way and don't respond. accusing folks of having mental health issues if the have or not is clear bullying.

if you have problems with a person try and avoid them. its better to walk away than land in trouble. and it does look like your losing it a bit.

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mhuch take a chill pill. you have issues with a poster. maybe walk the other way and don't respond. accusing folks of having mental health issues if the have or not is clear bullying.

if you have problems with a person try and avoid them. its better to walk away than land in trouble. and it does look like your losing it a bit.


sorry paul,didnt mean any offence to anybody ,just saying what happened n how it is

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i came onto this thread as i thought it would be one you wouldnt be interested mhutch and yet you have to come on with your paranoid idiotic accusations. why can you not leave me alone i can post anywhere i like and certainly dont need you pathetic digs, so far i have refrained from coming back with your antics because this a public forum and they dont want to listen to snipes and childish accusations(unfounded) so i tell you what ive avoided contributing to threads because of you so WELL DONE YOUVE WON AGAIN.....I WONT CONTRIBUTE ANYMORE, MAYBE PEOPLE FIND YOUR SNIPING AMUSING BUT I THINK ITS OVER THE TOP DIABOLACAL TOSH, BUT HEYHO YOUVE WON AGAINM IM SORRY MODS AND ANYBODY ELSE FOR MY OUTBURST, BUT IVE HAD ENOUGH, PLEASE DELETE MY ACCOUNT

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maybe. but your losing it slightly. best to back off and have a kip. if folks are bullying you the same advice. get a solicitor and record the events. cheap security cameras that can record are easily available and so is a change of number and delisting. if your having stick on face book complain they will remove the offensive items. the same with the phone they will help. number recognition and number rejecting are options to.

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A V programme years ago said that dogs bark to alert the rest of the pack to a possible threat.

Seemingly, if you shout at a barking dog, you, acting as part of the pack are joining in with the bark alert.


They advised, quietly acknowledge the dogs alert, reassure it that everything is ok.


... easier said than done...!



A friend was advised to 1/5 fill a Litre plastic lemonade bottle with small stones / chips and if the dog started barking, she was to shake this smartly- it made quite a racket! And this will surely stop the barking?



Another tip on that programme, feed the dog After the family / owner has eaten, to remind them of their place in the pack league ie below humans.


If you feed the dog first, you are sending the message that THEY are Top Dog, getting the first pickings of the kill. This can overspill onto guarding favourite chairs etc, they warned.

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Guest Anonymous
A V programme years ago said that dogs bark to alert the rest of the pack to a possible threat.

Seemingly, if you shout at a barking dog, you, acting as part of the pack are joining in with the bark alert.


They advised, quietly acknowledge the dogs alert, reassure it that everything is ok.


... easier said than done...!



A friend was advised to 1/5 fill a Litre plastic lemonade bottle with small stones / chips and if the dog started barking, she was to shake this smartly- it made quite a racket! And this will surely stop the barking?



Another tip on that programme, feed the dog After the family / owner has eaten, to remind them of their place in the pack league ie below humans.


If you feed the dog first, you are sending the message that THEY are Top Dog, getting the first pickings of the kill. This can overspill onto guarding favourite chairs etc, they warned.



Good advice. I agree 100%with what you say. When I have a barking dog I go out to it and in a loud whisper teeth showing and looking them in the eye and say quiet. It seems to work for me. Not hurting the dog but showing him/ her who is boss.

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I also agree pretty much with the two posts above.


I should say that when I referenced my experience re. anti barking collars I was refering to my experience of their use by others I have been involved with, through agility/lurecoursing/obedience training/canine rescue work etc.. I have never had need of one myself.


I do think that one of the first keys to managing our dogs behaviour though is understanding the breed we own, before any consideration of 'pack' behaviours (our dogs know we're not dogs after all ... when did you last sniff your dogs bum, or wee on top of his/her wee :wink: ). I have owned a variety of breeds (and always three or four dogs at a time) over nearly thirty years and though they all spoke the same language they all spoke different dialects (and displayed different kinds of intelligences). My APDT friend sees a constant stream of people who picked up on suggestions regarding 'making sure the dog knows it's place', misapplied them without a proper understanding of their dog and it's breed specific characteristics, and caused more problems than they solved.

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Whispering dog, anyone? I thought it was just an urban legend, but no... seems to be true. As horrible as it is, there are folks who'd get their dog's vocal chords removed:


Surgical bark removal: http://www.stopdogfrombarking.com/dogsurgery.html


The wider side: www.stopdogfrombarking.com appears to have a lot of other information too.

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Whispering dog, anyone? I thought it was just an urban legend, but no... seems to be true. As horrible as it is, there are folks who'd get their dog's vocal chords removed:


Surgical bark removal: http://www.stopdogfrombarking.com/dogsurgery.html


The wider side: www.stopdogfrombarking.com appears to have a lot of other information too.


ye,i believe thats all the rage in america, cos they also came up with prosthetic dangley bits so the dog doesnt feel any different after being neutered!!! the mind boggles!! :roll:

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My dog is driveing me out o my tree wi his barking. Does it da whole time for no reson. He has plenty o exercise and more toys then harrys toy shop so he is no bored. Anyone tryed one o dat collars that sprays them when they bark?



how old is the dog? my pups about 9 months old and starting to feel hormonal, so hes soon to be booked in for neutering which hopefully may help tp settle him, maybe its a teratorial thing, my pups even barking at certain things on the telly,so i can understand your frustration. there are a few sites online that offer some good advice.

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