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Njugle an Trout have you had the knock back ?

Is Yowe no keen tae get in the sack ?


If your sex life's gettin' frustratin'

The moorit een's here, ready an waitin'.


My heart belongs indeed to Yowe,

Not fairy, elf or moorit trow,

I'd never cheat nor cause to hurt,

The most sublime of wooly flirt,

And surely i could love no others,

But tell me, would YOU shave YOUR udders?


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Oh Njugle can't you see I'm one in a million?

For you I'd even consider going Brazilian.


Can I tempt you, dearest Njugle ?

My bare udders you can also Shjugle.







I'm begging of you, please don't take my man! :cry:

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A wicked temptress you are perhaps,

Neatly groomed with shoogling baps

But my desire is earned not given,

However hard your proposals driven,

Peerie Yowe is true of heart,

It'll take much more to tear us apart.

And as a male i may be weak,

And i do like your filthy cheek,

Promises of lusty things,

New improved, and now with wings! :wink:

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Njugle, the Moorit winged one wants you bad. She sent some trows to the park the other night to threaten me. They said if I don't back off and let her have you I'll be someones' roast by sunday! Naturally I was very scared and I've been forced to make a hard decision. I will miss your charms and witty words but I have decided to become a nun in southern Italy and I'm leaving tomorrow. Goodbye forever, I hope she's kind to you :cry: :wink: :D XXXXXXXXX

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A wicked temptress you are perhaps,

Neatly groomed with shoogling baps

But my desire is earned not given,

However hard your proposals driven,

Peerie Yowe is true of heart,

It'll take much more to tear us apart.

And as a male i may be weak,

And i do like your filthy cheek,

Promises of lusty things,

New improved, and now with wings! :wink:


Njugle, that's fine, but don't come running to me when Yowe lets you down. :wink:

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noooooooooooooooo :cry:


Good luck peerie Yowe! Do dusna hae tae tik a vow o silence or onything, dus du? And would posting on this forum be a breach o dat contract?


Thanks peeriebryan, I hope the lord will be my shepherd. I'm not sure about the convent rules yet but if you don't hear from me then vow of no posting it is :(

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Njugle, whit does du think o aa dis?



Goodbye forever,



Peerie Yowe was so much fun,

Indeed she was my number one,

I'll cry myself to sleep most nightly,

But i fear this brings back Whitely :twisted:


Don't Yowe want me baby,.....Don't Yowe want me oo-oo-oooh? :)


Baa-y baa-y baby, baby good-baa-aa-aaa-y (tartan scarf a-waving) :wink: XXX

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So that's that then, it may be that i can't get Yowe out of my head and i can't get used to losing Yowe and can't stand losing Yowe because I've got Yowe, under my skin and it seemed for a minute there that the hills are alive, with the sound of moorit and fairy nuff i thought we might kindle a 'elfy relationship, but she's trown me oot...........


So it's back to me loch i shall go, and many a weary traveller will be lured to their doom as i lick my wounds.......


So, if you're passing by and see me, stop a while, take a load off, and would you like a lift :?: :wink:

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