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Hey njugle....long time no see...how are you?

:oops: I have something to tell you :!:

......I'm pregnant njugle and I'm 80% sure it's yours :? :P

They kicked me out of the convent :(






Well that's certainly no cause for lam(B)ent.....

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Peerie Yowe,


Noo dat i've caught me breath..... So good tae see dee. :)

We have much to figure out, especially at those odds, i mean is that 1 in 5 or two in ten, against, or 20 oot o 100! Suffering Suffolks!

I mean, we have to consider the ramifications after all.

I could be daddy to a caddie 8O :?:

I only saw one colour o' paint mark apo dee back, but hey, that was a while ago..... :wink:


So, are you a two colour gimmer? Or are we looking at Rainbow Bright here?

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So, are you a two colour gimmer? Or are we looking at Rainbow Bright here?


Well, it's mostly blue but there's a tiny bit of red(just a tiny bit). :oops:

Maybe it rubbed off o trout while we were dancing. Who knows but one things for sure, I'm no multi coloured yowe.... :wink:

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Phew, that's a releif, erm....i mean i never doubted you for a minute, as you know i only have eyes for Yowe


Speaking of eyes, being a conscientious faether to be, I'll head on oot and start shootin craa's, we widna want any trouble now would we, and jee's theres lots of stuff to organise, towels, injections, lubricant lambing gel, trusses, I'll be busy indeed, but with a spring in me step,


Speaking of spring, are we talking early or late here, it's no lang till it aa starts...

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Well, if my dates are correct then it should be around may first. I was thinking of a park birth, I don't want any of that being taken into the barn rubbish. I've heard it smells in there. I just hope the weathers fine on the day. Good plan of yours to pop off a few birds. Well, I'm off to eat a whole bail of hay now. :wink: xxx

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Weel I am da blyde to hear do wisna thinkin o a floatation tank or any o dat hellery, mind you we could have used the dip! Still there's nae better place dan da park, even if it does mean headin oot at dawn everyday for weeks.....:roll:


And eat do up as many bales as do wants my lamb, or soon to be lamb.


Wan thing i'm burning we curiosity aboot - Is do gettin any cravings? What does a Yowe crave?


X :wink:

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A saat lick would be great and I've been kinda craving neeps too. Also, a nice luscious patch of summer grass wouldn't go amiss but thats just a fantasy.

I reckon it might be twins you know. :)


My account at NEF is maxed out noo, i have every saat lick on da island. The neaps i canna help we 'cos the flamin rabbits and geese have eaten them all. I do however have a heavy-lift helicopter winging it's way here from the Swiss high Alpine plateau's with the finest grass money can buy, still growing on the hillside i've 'removed'. Well, not quite the best, but the plane bringing the antipodean summer stuff will take a while longer.


Twins?! Double the trouble, or double the return from the Marts, ahem, or double the breeding stock for the next few years, do couldna squeeze oot anidder een or twa could do? It's all good! :D

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The marts.... is that a health spa?


Eeee-yes, a health spa, of sorts. Kinda like a one-stop holiday shop, good transport links, plenty of food and entertainment, they even lay on a daily cabaaret where they line up lots of the local croftering characters and then you lucky yowe's get to trot past and inspect them, one by one, sort of like a circus freak show , it's really fun. Great fun for all the family. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sounds really good. I wonder why Flossie warned me not to go there? She's probably just jealous.

I'm getting pretty big now, not long to go. Any chance of a hoof massage Njugle dearest?

I'm kind of hoping it won't be twins now because theres a shortage of grass this year and some of the older yowes have warned me that it's a fair old strain to produce enough milk for two without munching grass all day. Still, as you said, the more lambs the better and I'm sure you'll take care of me.. :) xxxxx

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