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Passport type photos


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Why 8 though? What on Earth am I supposed to do with these other 6 pictures where I do, for some strange reason, look like America's first female serial killer - you know, that woman.... ~cringe~


That's what happens when you don't let them try and take a decent photo. I just went with the first one.

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We did our own.


I made each person sit on the back rim of the sofa where there is a nice bit of white crofthouse wall behind and took photos.


Then I cropped them as per instructions and requirements of the Passport Authority.


Then off to the PO to get it all checked (if you can be arsed, though their method is not fool-proof - I know of someone who go the lot back even though it had been "checked" by the PO) and posted off.


Cost me an hour's work and it wasn't really rocket science just a bit of cropping and NO PHOTOSHOPPING, I promise! :D

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Doing it yourself is a fab idea but we don't have a scrap of white in the house unfortunately. I'll see if Mam and Dad would let me paint a wall white :lol:


Having moved back up I'm needing lots of photo for ID so I might go to Camera Centre and get it done there. Is it both shops that do it or just the one?

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