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Westside bus


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  • 3 months later...

With all these 5th years starting this week at the Anderson, you'd think the education department might have warned the school transport, looks like it's standing room only on the westside bus every morning for the next three weeks, as the school bus is too small to fit all the kids west of Bixter, all those to the east of bixter get to use the service bus, and joy - get to be late for school!

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my daughter was one of the new ones that was new to the school this week. she was told by the bus driver she would have to catch the other town bus as there was no room, she and a few others missed registration also the bus didnt take them as close to the school as normal, this was her 3rd day at the anderson, i found this out when she got home i was not a happy bunny luckily she knows her way around town. what would have happened if she was not used to the town, was dropped off away from the school and got lost


i think we should have been made aware of this as i could have taken her to school myself on my way to work .


rant over :D

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good on you, looks like either other parents don't share your opinions and are driving their kids or there's been a big drop in kids going to the Anderson east of bixter.

Of course it could just be a strategy of the education department to cut the bills, make it as difficult as possible for country kids to attend 5th year, try and get them all to drop out in the 1st 3weeks.

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