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South Mainland Up Helly Aa - MASS MEETING 23rd March 2009 :)

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Njugle, you really are a paragon of virtue.


Cunningsburgh Alcoholics Anonymous seek revenge on the Cunningsburgh Christians during Soothend Up-Helly-Aa.



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Why does Shetland need another Up Helly Aa anyway. what's next a Up Helly Aa in every place there are more than say 5 houses in a group. At this rate you will never no if the bus drivers or fireman or any one for that mater is in any state to do there jobs etc. And then complain when the press go on about Shetland having a drink problem

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Why does Shetland need another Up Helly Aa anyway.

Hmmm, misery-guts Scrooge and "Bah humbug" comes to mind. Shetland does not need another UHA, but it would be simply nice. I would say that the two places where new UHAs would make sense are the Ness and Whalsay.


what's next a Up Helly Aa in every place there are more than say 5 houses in a group.

I think not. Given the size of the catchment area, the lack of a rural UHA south of Lerwick has long seemed odd.


At this rate you will never no if the bus drivers or fireman or any one for that mater is in any state to do there jobs etc.

Huff and puff. Again I think not.


And then complain when the press go on about Shetland having a drink problem

I can't quite follow your language here. Who do you say is complaining? Shetland does have a drink problem.

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I think not. Given the size of the catchment area, the lack of a rural UHA south of Lerwick has long seemed odd.


I can't speak for north bye Channerwick, but south of it the Viking theme just never seemed to appeal.


Maybe there's been too many Orkneymen and Scotties breeding among us for too long, or maybe there's a bit too much pictish bluid left in some of us yet to finally cede to the "invaders". :twisted:

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You could always try a alcohol free Up Helly Aa

That would be make it different and stand out from the rest... :arrow: :arrow:

Sorry to nit-pick but there is in fact already an established alcohol free UHA (in theory and I think also in practice): the Lerwick Junior UHA :-)

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@Para Handy


The idea of a Southmainland Up-Hely-Aa is amazing!


We need enthusiastic people who are pro-active to get the ball rolling.


The people in the South Mainland don't need negative or as EM rightly described you as "misery guts, scrooge and bah-humbug" types. If you are soo concerned then why comment on this thread?


Why does Shetland need another Up Helly Aa anyway.


Why not, ya tube?

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And then complain when the press go on about Shetland having a drink problem

I can't quite follow your language here. Who do you say is complaining? Shetland does have a drink problem.


I’m well aware that Shetland has a drink problem. Just drive a Taxi for a few years and you can soon see how big a problem it relay is. But hay lets have an Up Helly Aa every 4 weeks. And tlady is spot on and I quote here “You could always try a alcohol free Up Helly Aa†if they did a way with the drink you would be lucky if you got enough men for two squads never mind over 900. Up Helly Aa is just an excuse and cover up for the real reason a big piss up that’s why they changed the Scalloway one till after the New Year because they were not enough men sober for over three weeks in a row

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