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Shetland Football Gossip Column

Dusty Rhodes

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I heard tonight that the Delts are looking at a new keeper that has been training with them.


He an Orcadian who has recently moved to Mossbank. I hear he is very good. Seems strange he has signed for Delting as we have Shetlands best in Craig Dinwoodie. One of them will be unhappy!

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Do you still think you'll still be able to field a team in the B cup? I see that Unst wanted to increase the number of cups in the B league to two instead of the one league cup last year. sounds ok Ness would be happy with that if the games could be played on Saturdays, our boys miss their games on Saturday nights with the demise of the Southern league.

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as far as i am aware unst are still planning on entering the B cups!

The idea of playing 2 cups is simply to give more games to the fringe players who are not getting any football, and it was decided that it would be better (for unst B) to have 2 cups, as this would guarantee us 2 games, at least!

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The bloomfield cup was played in a league format last year after the Reserve league finished mid august if I mind right, top two from each group went through to the semi's. Im all for more folk/teams in the set-up, just wondering what the fixtures would be like was all, fitting in another cup.

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  • 6 months later...

Whitedale to potentially pick up two new siginings.


One a regular First Teamer for the Delts last season (when not suspended) the other a regular when not down under 8)


Just a signature required for the first player - possibly the influence of his cousin and frustration with the current set-up with his hometown club has pushed this through?!?!?


The second player depends on whether or not they return to the Rock or seek employment elsewhere.


Oh and Martin Binns will NOT be joining the Tizers just yet.


More News to come as it happens Folks............

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there is nae doot a few movements taking place over the "closed" season might get to see these a bit earlier once the Association sort out a single winter league.


The AGM of the Shetland Football Association will be on the 3rd of December this year so anyone who wants to put forward any rule changes, proposals for inclusion on the agenda or nominations for committee posts should have them in to the secretary by the 19th of November. Any team wishing to enter the Associations competitions should also submit a proposal for discussion at the AGM.

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