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I see the Shetland amenity trust along with various other funding agencies are giving the lighthouse a £5.4 million refurb then they intend to rent out the accommodation for £450/week high season did anybody even do the simplest of sums for this project it will take 12000 weeks of high season rental to recoup the initial investment. thats 750 years. even if it is rented out every week of the year it will take about 350 years to recoup the initial investment.

just what the heck are these folk thinking?


While I have no objection to the principle I do wonder why the cost of £5.4 million is so high, could it be that those involved are spending others folks money and there for don't care about the economics of the situation.


They are also undercutting private business renting out similar sized accommodation in Shetland.


The Northern Lighthouse Board still own the lighthouse, this is not included in the refurb. The lighthouse was painted at the end of last year,

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I see the Shetland amenity trust along with various other funding agencies are giving the lighthouse a £5.4 million refurb then they intend to rent out the accommodation for £450/week high season did anybody even do the simplest of sums for this project it will take 12000 weeks of high season rental to recoup the initial investment. thats 750 years. even if it is rented out every week of the year it will take about 350 years to recoup the initial investment.

just what the heck are these folk thinking?


While I have no objection to the principle I do wonder why the cost of £5.4 million is so high, could it be that those involved are spending others folks money and there for don't care about the economics of the situation.


They are also undercutting private business renting out similar sized accommodation in Shetland.


The Northern Lighthouse Board still own the lighthouse, this is not included in the refurb. The lighthouse was painted at the end of last year,

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I see the Shetland amenity trust along with various other funding agencies are giving the lighthouse a £5.4 million refurb then they intend to rent out the accommodation for £450/week high season did anybody even do the simplest of sums for this project it will take 12000 weeks of high season rental to recoup the initial investment. thats 750 years. even if it is rented out every week of the year it will take about 350 years to recoup the initial investment.

just what the heck are these folk thinking?


While I have no objection to the principle I do wonder why the cost of £5.4 million is so high, could it be that those involved are spending others folks money and there for don't care about the economics of the situation.


They are also undercutting private business renting out similar sized accommodation in Shetland.


The Northern Lighthouse Board still own the lighthouse, this is not included in the refurb. The lighthouse was painted at the end of last year,

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how far up the hill are you actually allowed to drive? I see people driving up the whole way and parking for about 10min max and leaving (no disabled badges on show) surely this would disturb the puffins?


It's well signposted but unfortunately a lot of people tend to ignore the notices. You can go no further than the cattle grid unless you have prior authority.

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thats what I thought stilldellin. I was getting wound up about it before as I was sure you needed permission. I only got wound up because the car was speeding back down the hill and didnt give us much of a chance to get out the way. *grumbles*

but then I do like to get into an argument.

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^ With the contractor on site plus the RSPB there simply isna space for vehicles to go up and turn but always some who think different !

Yep, over 5 million spend and no toilets at the car park and still the major traffic hazard on the Grutness corner, one wonders what kind of people dream all this up.

Photo shows the somewhat " restricted " turning area.


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