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Local Food Reviews - Dining Out & Take Aways


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Sorry to disappoint patrons but the HILLTOP IS OFF THE FOOD MENU.

All this new regulations wis ower much for Peter n he has gaffa taped !! over the bits on the signs which mention food. Only eatery in old Yell town is the Winddog.


Personally I like the NAFC fresh fish well cooked what more do you want??

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The Olive Tree


I went there at the weekend. I don't know whether this is a case of so near but no cigar, or whether I am just a miserable moaning old fart.


Latte is served in a glass with a spoon too short to reach the bottom to stir the sugar. When you ask for a longer spoon they tell you that they have been stolen. They don't offer an alternative or tell you when or if they will be replacing the spoons.


If you have the spoons please return them :D

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I wis at da olive tree on Saturday. I had a bagel with smoked salmon and cream cheese. It was absolutely fantastic, plenty of filling, they don't seem to be skimping. Service could have been a little faster, I think some of the young eens could do with a little bit more training which may improve efficiency. I would certainly go back and recomend you all try it.

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Guest perrie-lipper

The Shetland Culinary Experience in my opinion only, is such a disappointment-for an Island laden with fresh produce it is seldom seen.


The Indian and Chinese restaurants on the Island offer an experience from their part of the world to the remote Island of Shetland which I can enjoy, however one is restricted to choice up here.


As for good Scottish cooking-it is much better experienced in my friends homes where tantalizing culinary expertise clearly shines. The restaurants need to pull their socks up and join in to what is in demand and expected when the small factor of payment is highlighted for the service and quality of food delivered.

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The Shetland Culinary Experience in my opinion only, is such a disappointment-for an Island laden with fresh produce it is seldom seen.


I've had a lot of grub in a lot of places, and in terms of good wholesome grub i reckon the Spiggie Hotel measures up to a good standard. In terms of taste and quality i would say it was excellent.


Something i've heard is that Hepburns restaurants are probably bound to a supply from JW Grays where possible, hence the lack of local stuff there.


There are a couple of other highlights, but there is a lack of international variety, or opportunities, you could say. Sushi anyone? Tacos? Spaghetti? :wink:

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Guest perrie-lipper

Very Interesting Njugle:


I must admit one has never dined at the Spiggie Hotel, I thought it had closed down, as many times when stopping by the place it has been closed. While we are on the Spiggie Hotel, is there a reason why a Hotel (Spiggie) does not even offer tea or coffee throughout the day to passing trade? Just a thought.


The Lerwick Hoteliers which are supplied by the wholesalers have in my opinion become complacent, poor customer service is observed and the lack of care and attention is displayed with some of the decor throughout certain buildings, one would not think this happened with the high prices charged for services rendered. However there are also some very good examples throughout the Shetland Isles with good dinning and customer service, which I have experienced occasionally.


I would be very interested to know if there have been any reviews on eating establishments within the Shetland isles written recently or indeed ever. Other than the Local Paper which is produced in Shetland.


Japan, Mexican and Italy in there own capacity offer a vast variety of flavors within there countries, and which also have there fair share of disappointments; however they also offer some of the best dinning in the world.


As you also mentioned international variety is good, but Scottish produce is the one for me.

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i was in the happy hadock tonight and to be met with the 2 most unhappy young lasses i have ever seen in my life.


why do teh shops and places whare people have contact with the public - have so many grumpy unhelpfull staff.


not a 'can i help you?' even a nice poilit 'yes' nor a 'thankyou' etc


the owners need to teach the staff how to be polite

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i was in the happy hadock tonight and to be met with the 2 most unhappy young lasses i have ever seen in my life.


why do teh shops and places whare people have contact with the public - have so many grumpy unhelpfull staff.


not a 'can i help you?' even a nice poilit 'yes' nor a 'thankyou' etc


the owners need to teach the staff how to be polite


Low wages are generally the reason for this. If you pay peanuts ....... I will let you finishe this off!

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I must admit one has never dined at the Spiggie Hotel, I thought it had closed down, as many times when stopping by the place it has been closed. While we are on the Spiggie Hotel, is there a reason why a Hotel (Spiggie) does not even offer tea or coffee throughout the day to passing trade? Just a thought.


The Hotel was closed from the mid/late 70's until at least well on to the 90's, the then owners were by then becoming elderly and found running it as a business something they couldn't really keep up with. However, as it was, as it had been for many years, also their home, they were unwilling to relocate, and instead chose to mothball the business parts of the building for their remaining years.


The building was put on the market when it became vacant during the 90's, and was completely refurbished and opened for trade by new owners. It was again sold a few years ago when those owners moved on, the current owners are a local lady and her husband. I've not been in for quite some time, but family and friends who have, all seemed pleased with both the food and the service, under both owners. Being relatively local dropping in for a cup of tea/coffee holds no interest, so I've really paid no attention to whether they offer that or not, but they may well do so, in the summer months at least. The current owners do have a website, so more information may possibly available on it.


It is possible that they have chosen to pass over attracting "cafe" trade though, due to the level of provision in that area elsewhere locally. There is (or at least, there was in the very recent past) a cafe in Bigton, and a cafe area attached to the local shop.

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I have eaten in The Spiggie Hotel three times. The first time a huge fish dish. Superb, but a bit much on the plate for me. Better too much that too little though :D


The next time was a wedding. Again superb.


A toasted sandwich next - a long wait, but that was because I had arrived just behind a load of people who had just ordered. As it is difficult to get a toasted sandwich wrong, you wont expect me to comment in the negative!


The Bigton Cafe has re-opened recently under new ownership. Something which pleases me no end as every time that I went there unplanned the place was closed. In fact on one occasion I had someone visiting and I took them to the Crofthouse Museum - open, Bigton Cafe - closed, then the Bonhoga - closed too. I only wanted a cup of tea.

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I got the gf's scooter out and we went for a blat down to the Bigton Cafe. The ride was trouble-free until just above Channerwick, where a dead lamb lay in the road, troubled by life no more.


The Bigton Cafe is clean and fresh with wonderful views over the water. We grabbed a table inside although it was warm and sunny enough to have sat outside, summer having arrived at last this year.


We chose soup, me the beef and her the veggie. A brown bread roll on the side. My soup was superb, as the rest of the cafe could tell by my hungry slurping. She was tucking into her vegetables, part of her 5 a day I suppose.


Dessert for me was chocolate fudge cake, for the better half the home-made cheesecake. A little decadence in the afternoon. Generous rather than large portions meant that you were fed, not oufaced. A cafetiere of coffee followed and for once it was decent strength and quality. The peerie cafe and Baroc are the only other places that I know in Shetland who can serve a decent coffee. The bill was a few pence over a tenner so you cant complain.


The menu is simple with jacket spuds, sandwiches, soup, cakes, crisps and drinks being available. Sadly no advocados!


Apparently the cafe will be open every day through the summer except Tuesdays and Wednesdays, but if you have got a party of people you can book and they will open as some of the vintage vehicle owners found out recently. They are even talking about opening in the evenings.


Would I recommend it - yes definitely. Give it a whirl.

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What's happening with Baroc and their restaurant service?


There is a laminated leaflet on each table advising that the restaurant is closed Monday to Thursday except if you book a party of 10 or more. A note on the wall advises that the kitchen is closed on Sundays. I was going to look under the toilet seat to see if there was a sign saying that they were closed on Friday and Saturday too :wink:


I went to the Fort chippy instead and had breaded fish with chips - yum yum. I will miss the Baroc steaks.

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Having never tried Baroc's grub I can't really comment. But I will anyway. I have heard nothing but good reviews but then again I reckon they were paying good money to get said grub and chefs in to make it that way. If they are cutting back now then I reckon it is down to the fact that (the same as any other Shetland business) it isn't making economical sense. If they are offering it to clientele of 10 or more then that suggests that it makes it worthwhile to hire in the staff to prepare the food.

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