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Ministers Expenses

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Oh I dunna keen, I get 40p a mile fur a 15 year owld swedish car, fueled bi biodiesel med oota owlder cooking oil at a cost o [CENSORED IN THAH ITEHRAHSTS ORF NESHONIL SECUITAH] pence per mile. ehem.




fur Godsake, joost vott fur Scottish Independence - an w'll sort da rest o't oot eftir.


PS - joost got last week's Shetland Crimes - brawly gurly luikin fellow in chairge oda Coonty nou. Da owld wife says: 'he doesna look laek a man ta cross'. hmmm. mebbe he'll manage ta get Tramish ta pey back his hoosing profits? ?? ??? ???????

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^ For example?

Nicholas and Ann Winterton, the Conservative MPs, are to resign from parliament at the next election.





Julie Kirkbride and Margaret Moran have announced they will stand down as MPs at the next election.





How many examples do you want Fjool









Ben Chapman (Lab)

Ian McCartney (Lab)*

Margaret Moran (Lab)

Michael Martin (Lab)

John Smith (Lab)*

Christopher Fraser (Con)*

Julie Kirkbride (Con)

Ann Winterton (Con)*

Nicholas Winterton (Con)*

Andrew MacKay (Con)

Peter Viggers (Con)

Anthony Steen (Con)

Douglas Hogg (Con)

Elliot Morley




SIR – I am entitled to school dinner money every day, but if I went home and told my mother I needed more because I wanted extra pudding, I’d be in trouble.


I recommend putting my mother in charge; she would soon sort MPs out.


James Parry (aged 14)

Six Ashes, Shropshire

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Guest Anonymous

Very nice to see that some of the councilors are being very honest:

Although he lives in Sullom, having previously owned a shop in Lerwick he said he simply hasn’t “got into the habit of writing out expenses vouchers†to claim mileage.

Well done Bill Manson, for proving that councilors can be like normal people, and pay for their own fuel to get to their place of work.


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Guest Anonymous

Discussing this claims scandal with a good friend we both agreed that this (the scandal) has very conveniently come around for those other big crooks of our time thhis e bankers , yep the media have managed to let those weasels slide of into the undergrowth and now the nation is enflamed about a financial scandal of considerably smaller proportions.

I do think they are all scum , our thin elusion of democracy has been further watered down for me.

I will be voting for UKIP at this next election and sincerely hope no body votes for any of the 3 lib lab cons ,

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Guest Anonymous

So now its our chancellor " captain darling" who has been dodging taxes amongst other things and Hoon at it to , the top level of government now looks very rotten indeed .

I said previously i hop the main 3 parties get sidelined in a big way at this election and must add the bnp to that list also .

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Anybody know the taxi fare from Lerwick to South Whiteness?


About £15


So that £30 return journey. So even if she went in EVERYDAY (including xmas and new year) to Lerwick thats a grand total of £10,950.

I wonder who her taxi driver is ?

She insists that, as she doesn’t drive and lives around a mile from the nearest bus stop, she has no alternative but to call a cab.

This really infuriates me, either sort out a feeder bus or CALL A CAB TO GET YOURSELF TO THE BUS STOP, and save us a years wages of a low income full time worker.

How she has the nerve to do this again this year is too much for me.

Its about time her "safe seat" was taken from under her.

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